Super Secret Tech - Foil

Super Secret Tech Foil Unhinged Singles
29.49 $29.49
Near Mint
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- 22 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact
Card TextPremium spells cost
less to cast. Premium creatures get +1/+1.
ArtistDan Frazier
Flavor Text"Ooh . . . shiny!"
DescriptionUnhinged Single Card
Release Date11/19/2004
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 20, 2009
-- Anonymous
This card doesn't even show up on the Gatherer, I think that's hilarious. They're really trying to keep this card on the downlow hush-hush.
- November 04, 2008
-- Predator
Here's how rare it is. One in every 2 packs is a foil. One in every 15 foils is a foil rare. Therefor one in every 30 packs is a foil rare. Every time you open a foil rare there is one in 41 chance it will be Super Secret Tech (Only comes in rare and there are 41 rares in the block). There are no rares more common then others when a set is released. So 30*41=1230. One in every 1230 packs should give you a super secret tech. 36 booster packs in a box. 1230/36=34.1. So about one ever 34 boosterboxes you should open a super secret tech. But because they are unhinged cards and not tournament playable they are only worth $10-$15 But hey played right they are a 3 mana card that makes all your 3mana 2/2s into 2mana 3/3, that's pretty darn good
- April 29, 2008
-- Anonymous
I have recently (as of about a year ago) discovered this totally awesome series. I am a member of a MTG dueling club about 15 minutes from where I live, and we sometime actually, for no reason, buy a box of Unhinged together and have a free draft tournament. It's totally fun and has no point whatsoever. This is the only Unhinged card left for me to get to complete my playset, so I have looked everywhere. I believe that this is the rarest Unhinged card, as I haven't found in the 5 boxes I've boughten so far.
- March 05, 2007
-- xxx
This card is kool and all, but i have had a hard time finding a price for the foiled one. ive seen anywhere from 12 to 16 for the regular card.
I actually have 8 foiled Super Secret Tech cards, im actualyl looking to sell a couple.
i was guessing that it would probably be around 50, but after seeing some reviews i think it might be worht more.
- May 17, 2006
-- Anonymous
Nearly imposible to get, get it here or on Ebay before the price skyrockets due to its extreme rareity, and don't belive those that say it is common, i truthfuly know someone who opened 50 Unhinged bosster boxes and didn't get one! If you play all or a lot of foils than this card is AWESOME, make an all foil deck and throw in four of these bad babys and BAM! HAAA!
- December 29, 2004
-- Sir Grebog
I buyd 3 blisters and get 1 I AM A LUCKY B******
- December 20, 2004
-- Luis
The SECRET card in unghinged ... THis is awesome, Great Price....
- December 04, 2004
-- Anonymous
Hmm.. I only play with FOILS, zo then this card is SWEET! In combo or stuff, butt Helm of Awakening does the same..
- November 26, 2004
-- Crizpy
This card is extremely rare and valuable. It's actually 141/140 in the set, so the chances of getting this card are VERY LOW. The chances of getting one that is holographic itself is at least five times lower. Kiss the ground and dance merrily down the street if you ever get one of these babies. The price charged here is a bargain compared to this card's actual value. Buy it now before it skyrockets.
- November 24, 2004
-- sliver king
the card is naot that good
- November 23, 2004
-- Anonymous
I got this in the first pack of unhinged I got. and im going to make a foil deck for this godlie card.
- February 09, 2005
-- Chris Bouchard
The only reason it's not in the Magic Online Gatherer is because it's a *secret* card! Even Mr. Rosewater (Magic Unhinged designer) alludes to it existance in the Ask Wizards on Feb 28. I don't think it's ultra rare, but I do think that it was a big surprise. (and I also think the 141/140 is just meant to be a joke).

Just my two bits...
- February 08, 2005
-- Jeremy White
Two things: They intentionally left if off the card lists, and off of the Wizards web site, as a joke.

I BELIEVE the card exists only as a foil version. This makes a lot of sense.
- February 08, 2005
-- CB
From my understanding the card is one of the more common foil rares. But, let me point this out: IT ONLY EXISTS AS A FOIL. There is no non-foiled version of this card. That would defeat the flavor of it...doy.
- December 09, 2004
-- speedrazor3
Well its not that ultra rare. At my store there is one in every boosterbox!!
- November 21, 2004
-- rabidsuqirrel
Well, I like the card and all, but it just isn't as rare as people say it is. I have a friend who has 2, and I've already seen a bunch. For the people who have this card, sell it quickly, because people will eventually find out that it's not really super rare. I mean, 1 outta 40 boxes? I heard that, and I just didn't believe it. I think it is teh rarest Unhinged card, but it's not worth *. Oh, and by the way, make foil decks! C'mon, people! Get 4, and make your foil deck! Chop, chop, times 'awastin.
- September 03, 2008
ok, for everyone, This card is semi-rare, about one in three booster boxes will have one. IT IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN FOIL. The reason it's not on the website is a joke, as it's "super secret". it is numbered 141 also as a joke, once again, it's supposed to be "super secret". The prices will not skyrocket, and it's only worth about $5 IF you find a good buyer. I'm not saying it's not a good card, cause it is, but there are a lot of these myths about it, like the whole one in fourty boxes thing, or it being worth $50, or some crap like that. This isn't a bad price if you are trying to build a foil deck, but don't go splurging for it if you don't need it.
- February 12, 2005
-- Reidbratt
it's not on gatherer or any other search engine cause it's SUPER SECRET. Wizards made a point of not telling us about it. check the AskWizards at this week.
- February 06, 2005
-- Anonymous
OK, here's the scoop on this card.

1) It's 'Ultra Rare' because it's ONLY available as a foil card. NO non-foil versions of this card exist, unlike every other card in the game (since they introduced foils).

2) It's not listed anywhere on the Wizards site, and from what I've heard, they don't officially acknowledge its existence. (Rather silly, imho)

3) There are 140 cards in the Unhinged spoiler/set. If you examine the bottom of this card, you'll see it's numbered #141/140. Cute.

4) It's ability is to give your 'premium' (read: foil) spells 1 less to play and premium creatures +1/+1. Most people agree this ability isn't that's value comes from its rarity. I'm not sure on the exact odds, but the '1 in 30-40 boxes' is what I'm hearing most often.

I already had a foil deck built when I heard about this brother got one in a booster I bought him for Xmas. He had absolutely no use for it and knew I had a deck waiting for it, so we did some trading. I must confess, it is rather fun to watching folks drool over it. :)
- February 02, 2005
-- Anonymous
THe only wierd thing about the card is that it is not on the gatherer web site which i find interesting. just thoguth i would throw that out there
- May 30, 2005
-- Anonymous
i go to my local shop, right?i buy 2 boosters of unhinged, right?i get 2 of these suckahs.ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha
- November 22, 2004
-- zuper
what does it mean ultrarare? i have it. first i thought that in this case all pieces of this card are foils (since non foil version of this card would be absurd) and premium version is some ultra rare foil, like different type of foil shining
29.49 $29.49
Near Mint
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