Mana Crypt - Book Promo

Mana Crypt Book Promo Magic The Gathering Promo Cards
308.99 $308.99
Near Mint
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Card TypeArtifact
Card TextDuring your upkeep, flip a coin. Opponent calls heads or tails while coin is in the air. If flip ends up in opponent's favor, Mana Crypt deals 3 damage to you.
Description1995 HarperPrism Final Sacrifice novel purchase bonus.
1995 HarperPrism The Cursed Lands novel purchase bonus.
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- November 10, 2010
-- Jay
I love this card... I've gotten Chandra Nalaar out turn 1 w/ this. Mana Crypt + Mountain for Seething Song = Chandra and generally a scoop thereafter, especially when I also run Browbeat and Devastation in the deck.
- April 06, 2010
-- Eric
I wish I had $160, I'd have four of them :D
- October 03, 2009
-- Ian
Great card!
the 'Spanish' language card is really Portuguese!
- March 24, 2008
-- Matt
Awesome, the coin flipping might be antiquated but who really cares about three damage when you are winning on the first turn with two extra moxes!
- October 31, 2007
-- Azmodeus Lore
This might be the most powerful card next to the lotus because of it's math. mox's give out 0:1 ratio as this one gives out 0:2. The side effect of flipping a coin is just nowhere near enough of a drawback to offset two free grey mana on turn one. I own four, and wish I had twelve. for the amout of money this card cost it is the very best you can get. It's also illegale in EVERY tournament format!
- September 18, 2006
-- Anonymous
in combo decks it is a life saver getting 2 mana for free is a mayor boost
- September 08, 2006
-- niles
life gain is great and all but why not just turn one mana crypt, island, tinker into mana crypt and put out something reasonable like a darksteel colossus?
- December 02, 2009
-- Anonymous
just to clarify, this card is legal in vintage and edh as a one of. but banned in all other formats.
- May 30, 2005
-- Anonymous
This is card is wonderful in a black/white deck where you have some life point regeneration, can easily make up for any of the damage you take, makes this card unstopable.
308.99 $308.99
Near Mint
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