Verdeloth the Ancient

Verdeloth the Ancient Archenemy Singles
0.85 $0.85
Near Mint
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- 7 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Rare
Casting Cost
Card Text Kicker
(You may pay an additional
as you cast this spell.) Saproling creatures and other Treefolk creatures get +1/+1. When Verdeloth the Ancient enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create X 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens.
Creature Type Treefolk
Set Archenemy
Artist Daren Bader
Description Archenemy Single Card
Release Date 06/18/2010
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- October 07, 2002
-- Anonymous
best way of playing this creature is if you have about 7 land in play *use lay of the land, harrow, etc* play a vernal bloom or two, and let'em cower!!
- April 20, 2002
-- anonymous
Verdeloth is the best! Use a defense of the heart to get him out and pay even more of his kicker or try other alternate ways!!!
- February 01, 2002
-- Anonymous
this is definately a nice card at treefolk or saproling decks.
- January 09, 2002
-- Anonymous
Get more creatures with a single card. Huge army awsome.Plus a 4/7sweet. Definetly a good card
- February 16, 2008
-- En-X
Once you get over the sheer casting cost of Verdeloth, it really is a great card. Unless you're playing against a saproling deck. Combined with a few key cards, (Ice Cauldron & certain mana production cards) Verdeloth can become an opponent's worst nightmare when it comes into play with 10+ 2/2 saprolings (It usually comes out with 20+ saprolings when I play it).
- July 13, 2006
-- Jonathan Lyngsų
Okay first of all, you can kicker with Hearts, kicker is an additional mana cost when you play it! If you want the Tokens, you have to play it from your hand. But its a very nice card though! +1/+1 to all Saprolings is not bad! And a good blocker too!
- March 17, 2002
-- Anonymous
Not quite a five star card in my opinion, but very powerful nontheless. the main problem is the kicker- most of the time you wont be able to kick him for much more than one or two. but a 4/7 is a decent blocker and he boosts your treefolk and saprolings. He works well with Nemata, Grove Guardian, which in my opinion is a little better. but Verdeloth gives nemata +1/+1, and when you start pumping the saprolings each turn with Nemata each of them gets +1/+1 as well from good ol verdeloth.
0.85 $0.85
Near Mint
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#163,744 on Troll and Toad
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