Chaos Orb Unlimited Singles
1499.99 $1,499.99
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- 18 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeMono Artifact
Card Text
: If Chaos Orb is on the battlefield, flip Chaos Orb onto the battlefield from a height of at least one foot. If Chaos Orb turns over completely at least once during the flip, destroy all nontoken permanents it touches. Then destroy Chaos Orb.
SetUnlimited Edition
ArtistMark Tedin
Flavor Text
DescriptionUnlimited Single Card
Release Date12/01/1993
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 03, 2008
-- Adam
Amazing card. This is probably one of the most interesting and exciting cards ever created. Unfortuately, tearing the Orb up and creating "Chaos confetti" is not tournament legal no matter what you may have heard. Once a Chaos Orb is torn up, it ceases to be a Chaos Orb and no longer has any effect. It's still one of my favorite cards though. Who doesn't love a one-sided Wrath of God/Armageddon/Nevinyrral's Disk??
- December 24, 2007
-- Eric
I give Chaos Orb 5 stars for the unbelievably high amount of fun it gives, but let's not forget nowhere in the rules does it say that your opponent can't move his playing board around.... I learned this when my buddy moved his cards away from my orb as it's landing, and one time he even pawed my orb mid air so that it landed on my cards, good thing it's in sleeves. It is not the most effective when you think of it that way, but it is unbelievably entertaining. I will try to do it on the fly, just tap the mana grab my orb and flip it while he's not looking
- January 04, 2007
-- m c
i think this card should be unbanned. i mean come on whats the big deal in banding this. besides i want to play with my beta on again.
- November 06, 2006
-- Anonymous
tear it up and sprinkle it down on all cards.
- October 27, 2006
-- natty
Thats why they are nicknamed chaos confetti. You rip it up and destroy everything. This card started becoming so valuable because people saw that in a tournament and went and bought a bunch to tear up. lol. ahh magic is so silly.
- August 01, 2006
-- Chad
I once saw this; There was a guy in a tourney, and the two players were pretty much deadlocked, creaturewise. Then one guy plays the Chaos Orb. He pays the mana cost, and proceeds to rip the Chaos Orb into small pieces, bend the corners so the piece will flip, and then sprinkles the pieces over the other players cards. Destroyed nearly all of them. He won the tournament, and was awarded another Chaos Orb
- May 29, 2006
-- Anonymous
With practice, Chaos Orb can become the single most powerful card in any casual deck. Chaos Orb is capable of generating unrealistic card advantage... For just 3 colorless mana Chaos Orb can easily take out 5-6 lands or 2-3 creatures. These swings may be so severe your opponent can't recover. In the worst case scenario (your opponents get used to Chaos Orb and keep all of there permanents seperated from one another) your Chaos Orb will only be able to hit a single permanent however, this is still great. Basically you are paying 3 colorless for a colorless vindicate that can even hit creatures that can not be targeted! Fear that Blastoderm no more!!!
- December 23, 2005
-- Anonymous
When it says "destroy" dos it mean tear into tiny pieces? That would be just cruel, "Oh I'm sorry my chaos orb just landed on all your beta mox's..."
- August 05, 2005
-- Anonymous
The single most entertaining and unique card in Magic the gathering.
- December 18, 2002
Obviously, a great card for what it does. That being said, this card is the 'ringo star' of magic.
- August 05, 2002
-- Ronald
Absolutely abusive with guardian beast out this the one card you don't want your opponent to be playing
- April 09, 2007
-- Frank Ferretti
Perhaps those who bash aren't too familar with land destruction?
- December 17, 2005
-- Thovt
if you train throwing at home, it could be really deadly (: in fact, its a card for fun, not for serious playing and im surprised that some of you dont understand it
- November 15, 2009
-- Jack
this card is awesome but pale's in comparison to Twiddle
- December 20, 2004
-- Anonymous
This is only good when you're playing indoors, otherwise a small wind draft might make you discard this beauty.
- March 08, 2007
-- Anonymous
i disagree, this could only destroy like one card if you are good enough. if the other player seperates cards into differant single card piles you can't destroy much..
- September 29, 2002
-- Anonymous
Why wouldn't you just play a black kill spell on any creature for the same cost?
- September 29, 2002
-- veavictis
I can't beleive these things are worth money! I've got a whole pile of different ones that were given to me when I bought a box of legends. What are they good for??
1499.99 $1,499.99
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