Fennekin - 8/39 (Holo)

Fennekin 8 39 Holo XY Kalos Starter Sets
1.19 $1.19
Near Mint English Pokemon Card
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Card TypePokémon - Basic
Hit Points60
pokemon energy
Retreat Cost1
pokemon energy
Scratch 10
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
Live Coal 20
SetKalos Starter Set
Artist5ban Graphics
DescriptionFennekin - 8/39 (Holo) is a Startercard from the XY Kalos Starter Sets Pokemon set. This is a Pokemon Promo. The Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) franchise begain back in 1996 as a video game by Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak. It has since gone on to become a world class TCG, toy line, Manga in CoroCoro magazine, movies and a hit anime series. We all know "Gotta catch em all!". See image for more details on this product. Additional Details: B00I0HEAJM
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 14, 2015
-- SEAN Verified Buyer
Received used card.
I placed an order for a bunch of cards including this. All the cards were in new condition as I paid for. One came in with some scratches. This came full of scratches, and bent at corner. It was clearly used. I''ve placed orders for cards from different places. The worst that has ever happened was I got non-holos when I ordered holos type. But they immediately sent me the correct cards. This order is completely unacceptable, and makes completely no sense. I don''t know how it''s possible to send damage cards to somebody ordering new cards.
1.19 $1.19
Near Mint English Pokemon Card
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Troll Rankings
#84,411 on Troll and Toad
#28,572 in Pokemon
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