Eelektross - 33/101 - Holo Rare Reverse Holo

Eelektross 33 101 Holo Rare Reverse Holo Black White 10 Plasma Blast Reverse Holo Singles
0.89 $0.89
Near Mint Reverse Foil Pokemon Card
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RarityRare Holo
Card TypePokémon - Stage 2
Hit Points140
pokemon energy
Retreat Cost3
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
Crush and Burn 30× - Discard as many Energy attached to your Pokémon as you like. This attack does 30 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
pokemon energy
Thunder Tempest 50× - Flip 4 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.
SetPlasma Blast
Artist5ban Graphics
DescriptionUnbroken, Unbowed, Undefeated—Unova Blasts Back! Lead the battle against Team Plasma and their Pokémon with Virizion-EX and with other powerful Pokémon accompanying you into battle. Face off against Team Plasma Dialga-EX and Palkia-EX in this thrilling expansion of Black & White. Can you survive when they pull out new ACE SPEC cards?

Black & White 10: Plasma Blast was the 57th expansion of the Pokémon TCG. It was released in August of 2013 and consisted of 105* cards total. Noteworthy cards from Black & White 10: Plasma Blast include Dialga EX, Palkia EX, Genesect EX, Kyurem EX & Virizion EX.
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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0.89 $0.89
Near Mint Reverse Foil Pokemon Card
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