Solemn Judgment - MRD-127 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition

Solemn Judgment MRD 127 Ultra Rare 1st Edition Metal Raiders MRD Singles
194.99 $194.99
Played 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Ultra Rare
Description Metal Raiders was the 2nd expansion of the Yugioh TCG. It was released in June of 2002 and consisted of 144 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Metal Raiders include Magic Jammer, Mirror Force & Solemn Judgment.

Counter Trap cards were first introduced in this set. To date this set is the largest non-reprint set that has been released.

Metal Raiders consists of the following rarity breakdown:

100 Commons
22 Rares
10 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
2 Secret Rares
Dimensions 3.375" H x 2.313" W x 0.074" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
Near-Mint English Pokemon Card
of 1
- June 13, 2010
-- Fermin Calderon
#1 trap card in the game!!!
Negate & destroy and monster effect, spell, or trap..
A staple for any deck...
- May 10, 2009
-- jimbobjoe
I Want 5000 of them
- March 26, 2009
-- Michael
Best card in the game, I remember when it first came out and you couldn't give it away lol, but I'm glad I got my playset then for $5 for 3!!!!!!!!! Snatch these up whenever you can!!!!!!!
- November 30, 2008
-- Sid Wilson
one of the beast cards on the metagame. sure it�s expensive but it must have to be such expensive. dont be sheep dudes
- July 09, 2009
-- Ryan Pelino
This is a very good card. Its funny because a friend of mine stopped playing Yu-Gi-Oh after everyone started getting Solemn Judgments
- March 01, 2011
-- Andrew
Sure this card is good, but it's a little bit pricy. But on the other hand this card is a counter anything, well almost anything. I'd rather pay half my life points when I'm in a tough spot then rather losing the match.
So yeah this card is great i had it once when i was young but sence i was young and really stupid i traded it for somethin' else oh well i ordered it again. This card can help a lot, when you're about to lose the duel good card indeed. When Marik took over Banded Kieth's mind and faced Yugi he almost won the match 1st episode of season 2.
- December 22, 2010
-- Anonymous
@iTzGrim well you shouldn't have bought such a well used card in poor or played condition. other than that, this card is an amazing staple in ANY deck, and well worth the extra dollars for mint condition.
- March 15, 2009
-- T
Awesome card. Only got one, but want two more. This card absolutely rocks. Yes, you halve your life points, but it is worth it. this card is the most broken card in the metagame.
- December 07, 2010
-- iTzGrim
I ordered this card, and it was so messed up. Corners bent, the card was splitting in half. Super worn, this wasn't even worth $5 worst $17 I have ever spent in my life, thanks alot for a piece of crap card.
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