Black Rose Dragon - CT05-EN003 - Secret Rare

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Rarity | Secret Rare |
Description | Black Rose Dragon - CT05-EN003 - Secret Rare is a Yugioh Promo Card (no edition) card from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Promo Cards Yugioh set. This is a Secret Rare. Yugioh began back in the mid 90's as a weekly short in Shonen Jump by 1999 the TCG game had launched in Japan. Yugioh has gone on to become one of the top card games in the world and has now surpassed 20 years of competitive play worldwide. Additional Details: B0028WKZGC |
Dimensions | 3.38" H x 2.31" W x 0.012" D |
Ship Weight | 0.004 pounds |
- February 08, 2016
-- adel
-- adel
- September 12, 2014
-- Stefiany
-- Stefiany
Yugioh Fan Lover
I think it looks really beautiful and cool. I really love the show Yu-gi-oh and his Kuriboh because it is so cute.From Stefiany
- October 27, 2010
-- Someone that nobody cares about
-- Someone that nobody cares about
Awesome! got this in a pack the other day. i play x-saber and i love this tactic: have xx-saber boggart knight, x-saber airbellum, cold wave and several garsems or darksouls on the field(cant even afford darksoul=( ).
play cold wave, summon boggart knight and special summon airbellum with his effect. synchro boggart knight with airbellum, summon black rose dragon and bomb everything including garsem and use his effect to add xx-saber gardestrike to your hand. special summon gardestrike and direct for 2100 and no opponent monsters. also you can use darksouls effect and/or set a E-call.
Awesome card.
play cold wave, summon boggart knight and special summon airbellum with his effect. synchro boggart knight with airbellum, summon black rose dragon and bomb everything including garsem and use his effect to add xx-saber gardestrike to your hand. special summon gardestrike and direct for 2100 and no opponent monsters. also you can use darksouls effect and/or set a E-call.
Awesome card.
- October 11, 2010
-- Vu
-- Vu
An awesome card that every synchro summoner needs.Just as he needs Stardust dragon,Ancient fairy dragon,Red dragon archfiend.But this card is the best one between the signer dragons
- August 29, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
This card is just absolutely mind blowing. Starting September 1st plants and plant variants are gonna pwn. Here is just one combo: say you have a lonefire blossom in your grave and a QuickDraw and dandylion and debris dragon in your hand and cold wave. Play cold wave summon debris revive lonefire then synch for black rose and Nuke the field. Then special summon QuickDraw by ditching dandylion and you have a free level 6 or level 7 synchron warrior synchro. If you go with drill warrior after you attack you could use his effect to bring back debris and do it all over again. Now with konami putting it back to 3 you literally have 3 jd's just waiting to come out. Just amazing......
- May 26, 2010
-- Stardust Dragon
-- Stardust Dragon
Tactical Nuke Incoming!!!!!!!!!
- February 15, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
This card is sooooo awesome! I mean It's already great, but in Secret rare. :)
- December 18, 2009
-- Peter
-- Peter
Imagine having a Flower (plant-themed) deck. You summon Black Rose Dragon,you clear the field with its effect and you make a lovely direct attack and while attacking you activate from your hand the spell Raging Mad Plants! With this tactic you cause great damage to your opponent or even eliminate him in one turn.And this is only one,out of many,reason why this card is so awesome and at the same time so dangerous.
- October 18, 2009
-- <('-')> kirby!!!!!!
-- <('-')> kirby!!!!!!
black rose is the second best of the five dragons i think stardust is the best one of the funnest things about black rose is nuking the field and sometimes saying black rose is a sucide bmber if i had to recommend a synchro for a plant lover this is it i cant reember how many times ive played against this monster and got owned mainly because thats only like twice but my point is i got owned check out my other reveiws i have one for each of the five dragons and most of the most popular cards
- July 07, 2009
- February 26, 2009
-- Sean Albright
-- Sean Albright
This card is a must have for any plant deck. It can clear the field with ease, making it good for a direct attack. Its other effect makes it easy to attack monsters that are usually super strong.
- October 29, 2010
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
@X-saber Player: Boggart knight can only be used to synch an X-Saber synchro (IE Urbellum with a Lvl3 Tuner)
- August 15, 2010
-- Tim S.
-- Tim S.
It's an excellent card, but a handy tip for everyone thinking it can clear the field and direct attack. Check the writing carefully: It says "When this monster is Synchro Summoned, you can destroy all cards on the field." That's every card in play, including Black Rose Dragon.
- March 14, 2010
-- Magusfarlorn
-- Magusfarlorn
Excellent card, but from the looks of some of the other reviews, it seems that some people might not realize that if you choose to use the ability, it blows itself up also.
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