Cultist of the Dragon #48 Archfiends D&D Miniatures

Cultist of the Dragon 48 Archfiends D D Miniatures Archfiends D D
6.99 $6.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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DescriptionArchfiends Common

Brace yourself for a random encounter dominated by demons, devils, and other outsiders, along with a horde of heroes, villains, and monsters. Taken straight from D&D rulebooks, such as the Monster Manual, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Miniatures Handbook, Psionics Handbook, and Savage Species, these characters are ready for battle! Favorites include Drizzt Drow Ranger, Aspect of Orcus, Aspect of Lolth, Aspect of Demogorgon, Vrock, Unicorn, Gauth, Hill Giant, Large Silver Dragon, Orc Champion and more!
Dimensions1.5" H x 1" W x 1" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- January 24, 2012
-- R S
The Cultist of the Dragon is a fairly expensive figure for what it is, no matter where you buy it from. I say this for a couple of reasons: When I received mine, I was taken aback at the poor paint job that this mini was given. The colors are mostly a dull gray with just a few streaks of blue (the picture shows the blue paint much more liberally applied). The paint also lacked the finished, almost shiny coat present other minis, giving off an unrefined appearance. Furthermore, it seems that this mini is not proportioned correctly when compared with other human figures; the baggy robes do not hide the fact that the face and arms are slightly too large/long respectively. Lastly, the wristband things on the arms of the figure were painted poorly, with black paint being applied noticeably on the skin of the mini. I personally would not pay over $3 for a boring, dull figure of such poor standards, but this piece still has its uses. A crazed, evil mage bent on sacrifice (by the looks of the dagger) or a PC could be represented by it. I would not personally recommend this though, there are better figures out there.
6.99 $6.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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