Varactyl Wrangler #60 Champions of the Force Star Wars Miniatures Common

Varactyl Wrangler 60 Champions of the Force Star Wars Miniatures Common Champions of the Force Singles
1.49 $1.49
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionChampions of the Force Common

Champions of the light side take on the powers of the dark side of the Force from across all eras of the Star Wars saga in this intergalactic miniatures collection. Containing characters from the landmark feature films; the computer games; the novels; and the micro-series, this set pits Sith against Jedi in battles that could decide the fate of the universe.
Dimensions3" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- January 06, 2011
-- John
This mini's Empathy ability makes it great when combined with any Savage minis, allowing for greater strategy and control. This is strictly a support mini, unless you're just out to fill up your points with whatever is on hand.

Think about this: a Rakghoul (KOTOR set; Fringe faction) able to choose when to strike, instead of running blindly into melee combat with the closest enemy. That's what this mini does for you.
- September 06, 2007
-- wedgeantilles
he has grenades,I brought down Gen.Kenobi's health down enough for CS Jango to kill him in a few hits.
- November 06, 2006
-- Darth Maul
don't wast your money. I hate this miniature.
1.49 $1.49
Complete Miniature Including Card
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