Wererat #40 Dragoneye D&D Miniatures

Wererat 40 Dragoneye D D Miniatures Dragoneye D D
3.79 $3.79
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionDragoneye Uncommon

Ready yourself for a random encounter dominated by dragons and dragonkind, along with a horde of other heroes, villains, and monsters. Taken straight from D&D rulebooks, such as the Draconomicon, Complete Warrior, Miniatures Handbook, and the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, these characters are ready for battle! Look for popular figures like the Black Dragon, Carrion Crawler, Dire Lion, Eye of Gruumsh, Halfling Outrider, Large Monstrous Spider, Large Red Dragon, Ogre Ravager, Salamander, and the Thayan Knight!
Dimensions1.5" H x 1" W x 1" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- October 16, 2011
-- Elrond
I don't like this wererat as much as the other (War of the Dragon Queen #39). It's smaller, the pose is awkward, the colors aren't very appealing. I can't imagine what it plans to do with that humungous falchion since it looks so small and frail. It's an adequate monster, but the other wererat is much more suited for a recurring NPC.
3.79 $3.79
Complete Miniature Including Card
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