General Grievous, Supreme Commander #32 Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Miniatures Rare

General Grievous Supreme Commander 32 Revenge of the Sith Star Wars Miniatures Rare Revenge of the Sith Singles
8.99 $8.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 7 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionRevenge of the Sith Rare Single


Start your collection of Star Wars characters with Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, and more from Revenge of the Sith!


Challenge your friends to battle anywhere in the galaxy.


Relive your favorite Star Wars scenes and create new ones.
Dimensions3" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- May 13, 2012
-- The Separatist
Although far outmatched when compared to General Grievous, Droid Army Commander from The Clone Wars set, Supreme Commander is not useless. Sometimes Double Attack is better than Twin Attack, especially if you built a squad of droids with Heavy Weapon or Twin Attack already available. The Guard Droid, T1 Bulk Loader Droid or Battle Droid Sniper can greatly benefit from his Commander Effect. Although I have Droid Army Commander, I still prefer to use this Grievous when looking for a more challenging match. He remains my favorite.
- February 11, 2010
-- Anonymous
Put this guy with General Whorm Loathstrum and your driods will own
- September 15, 2006
-- Gen. Grievous
The best Separatist commander and one of the best commanders in the game. His CE basically doubles your attacking power. Pair him with the Battle Droid Officer for maximum offensiveness in your droid squads.
- December 05, 2005
-- superbattledroid87
This Grievous is a must for any Droid Army squad. His CE is the best yet I've seen!!!

"Crush them!" -Grievous
- January 21, 2011
-- Ty
rare!!!general grievous miniature is powerful and very rare i'm going to get one!!!!!!!!!!!!
- July 21, 2009
-- Anonymous
This figure is great for a starter character, but his CE is easily outdone by General Grievous, Droid Army Commander
- June 05, 2006
-- Wulfe Luer
YARGH! This thing has a good CE, but he's otherwise just like the 'movie' Greivous. Every time I play him, he's owned in 20 minutes! Now his bike version (affectionately known as Darth Roadkill)...well, the Bike goes BOOM and Republic figures go AAAAAAHHH! Nuff said.
8.99 $8.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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