Marilith #25/40 Savage Encounters D&D Miniatures

Marilith 25 40 Savage Encounters D D Miniatures Savage Encounters D D
7.59 $7.59
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
SetSavage Encounters
DescriptionMonster Manual Savage Encounters Single Miniature
Dimensions2" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.04 pounds
Near Mint 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
of 17
- November 08, 2011
-- Jacob
I would disagree, in my opinion the bloodwar one is the lacking mini.

There is the torso moldline issue(middle arms are separate piece joined on the body) and the paint is not spectacular.
But the weapons are better, the pose/stance is superior as well as the overall bada effect from this mini to the bloodwar one.

The booldwar marlith's tail is hideous to me aswell as just being lack luster in comparison to the pit fiend and horned devil. The bloodwar liliend was done way better than the bloodwar marilith for future comparison.
- October 01, 2011
-- Elrond
Mariliths are always cool, but this one is not nearly as good and the other. The face and hair are silly-looking and if it is not glued together properly it can look awful. The paint on the snake body looks pretty good, though.
7.59 $7.59
Complete Miniature Including Card
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