Reek #27 Universe Star Wars Miniatures Huge Uncommon

Reek 27 Universe Star Wars Miniatures Huge Uncommon Universe Singles
10.99 $10.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityHuge Uncommon
DescriptionUniverse Uncommon Single

In addition to containing the biggest Star Wars miniatures yet the Star Wars Universe expansion is also the first set to draw from all of the films. So you can have Darth Maul face off against Darth Vader and then have the winner take on Obi-Wan on the Boga. Who's the ultimate winner? You.

The Universe set contains a selection of figures designed to enhance and expand any collection of Star Wars miniatures. The miniatures in this product are randomized and playable right out of the box and, for the first time, include huge figures. This is also the first set featuring legendary creatures and characters from all eras of the Star Wars timeline.
Dimensions3.75" H x 3" W x 3" D
Ship Weight0.099 pounds
- March 07, 2010
-- Anonymous
Reeky is so cute! He is the best miniature in the miniatures game, and is one of the most powerful as well! 200 hit points? 200? Awesome hit points, and Charging Assault plus 20! He is definetly worth 51 cost! As I said, Reeky is so cute, easy to tame, and reek food isn't that pricey! So there you have it: The cutest and one of the most powerful miniatures!
- January 24, 2008
-- darth revion 12
this guy can ram the heck out of peaple his special abilities r:savag chardgeing assult 20+ and melee attack and he has twohundread hitpoints 17defense 12+attack and twenty damadge
- January 18, 2008
-- wedgeantilles
charging assault plus 20 lets him move 12 and attk at 40 damge!
10.99 $10.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
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