Clawfoot Rider #11 War of the Dragon Queen D&D Miniatures

Complete Miniature Including CardFulfilled By:
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Rarity | Rare |
Description | War of the Dragon Queen Rare Long anticipated by fans, War of the Dragon Queen is the second D&D Miniatures set to feature Huge figures from the D&D realm. These figures tower over other miniatures in the set and are accurate representations of the larger side of the D&D creature lineup. The figures in the set were chosen from a variety of D&D roleplaying titles, including several volumes of the Monster Manual, Heroes of Battle, and the Eberron and Forgotten Realms campaign settings. The set also includes an elite selection of characters that are accompanied by a second, epiclevel stat card, allowing players to assemble higher-value armies with which to battle. Popular figures include: Aspect of Bahamut, Aspect of Tiamat, Dracolich, Large Green Dragon, Sorcerer on Black Dragon, Tordek Dwarf Champion, and the Cadaver Collector! |
Dimensions | 1" H x 0.75" W x 0.75" D |
Ship Weight | 0.01 pounds |
- March 02, 2011
-- Amber Biesecker
-- Amber Biesecker
Very detailed, very cool figure! I like having the option of mounted enemies, especially when they are so well-represented.
Complete Miniature Including CardFulfilled By:
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