Starro 2007 LE World Event Exclusive Large DC Heroclix

Starro 2007 LE World Event Exclusive Large DC Heroclix Heroclix Large Figures
84.99 $84.99
Near Mint Large Miniature In Box
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $54.90 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionStarro Large Figure DC Heroclix (World Event 2007)
Dimensions9" H x 9.5" W x 6.5" D
Ship Weight2.5 pounds
Near Mint Unlimited English Yugioh Card
of 3
- April 21, 2016
-- Anonymous
Still Great in 2016
Had a blast finally using this guy! Played a 1000 point game and he was a total beast. Yes, triple mind control, 3 bolt energy explosion, multi attack, and everything else is super impressive, but his "Alien Starfish" ability that allows him to heal is what keeps him in the game. Also note-He got a small update in 2010 for his Pulse Wave. It does damage to multiple targets based on his level. For example, the 600 dial does 1 damage to multiple targets, but the 1000 dial does 3 damage to multiple targets. Amazing!
- September 17, 2014
-- Anonymous
- November 11, 2009
-- Chuck Ward
I love this colossal, the special rules that Starro has make it insanely hard to take down in a game. the 3 damage energy explosion, triple mind control, mutli-attacks, being able to make actions every turn, and Starrophytes make Starro seemingly impossible... or near impossible to take down in a 1,000 point game.
84.99 $84.99
Near Mint Large Miniature In Box
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $54.90 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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#176,127 on Troll and Toad
#9,549 in HeroClix
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