Sphinx of the Steel Wind

Sphinx of the Steel Wind Alara Reborn Singles
1.79 $1.79
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- 7 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact Creature - Sphinx
Card TextFlying, first strike, vigilance, lifelink, protection from red and from green
Creature TypeSphinx
SetAlara Reborn
ArtistKev Walker
Flavor TextNo one has properly answered her favorite riddle: "Why should I spare your life?"
DescriptionAlara Reborn Single Card
Release Date04/30/2009
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 31, 2010
-- JB
what a monster.......is this the biggest lifelink creature EVER? plus its not even a legend? w/ a few colors protection added in for fun, the best part turns out to be it won't tap to attack, and just pumps 12 life a turn out if the situation unfolds the right way for you. Or the opponent is dumb enough to attack, and has no choice! tooooo funny. WHAT AN ANIMAL IN reanimatorrrrr!!
- March 29, 2010
-- zombie242003
I love this card. When I first got it I thought " :::shrug::: whatever". But I refined my artifact decks earlier into one,got him out and my opponent couldn't do anything. They were playing red/green elemental and this was the only creature card I had for almost the whole game. Yeah I took some damage because they had more creatures than me but they dwindled quickly and I regained all that life and then some.
- January 02, 2010
-- Michael Sparks
Cant Bant Charm him, he has pro-green. I run 2 sideboard because this card just laughs at jund and some grixis based decks. But against anything that runs white he gonna get pathed or o-ringed at the first possible chance.
- July 05, 2009
-- Anonymous
Master Transmuter the Akroma Sphinx in...and you're good to go!
- January 14, 2010
-- D/0
two word: summoning trap

or if you like 3: open the vaults

with all the blighting floating around in standard getting her to your graveyard shouldnt be too hard
- October 22, 2009
-- ContraEgo
the only relevant removal that this dies to is path to exile, oblivion ring and celestial purge. if you are not playing against a white deck, it is practically impervious.
- July 09, 2009
-- Surgite
Kind of pricey, but not too bad if you have sculptors or a transmuter. Pro green and red, so don't have to worry about those artifact killers. I'm running two in an Esper block deck cos well, it's big and stompy and full of rawr. BUT: Path to Exile, Excommunicate, Bant Charm, or Cancel...plus many other ways to deal with it. And that's just within the Shards block. So while tis indeed an awesome stompy for Esper, still can only give it 3 because of the fact that as a creature, there's oh so many ways to deal with it.
1.79 $1.79
Near Mint
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Sell to Us $0.88 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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