Urza's Tower - Shore

Urza s Tower Shore Antiquities Singles
17.79 $17.79
English Near Mint
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeLand
Card Text
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Creature TypeUrza's, Tower
ArtistMark Poole
Flavor TextUrza always put Tocasia's lessons on resource-gathering to effective use.
DescriptionAntiquities Single Card
Release Date03/04/1994
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- March 05, 2005
-- Anonymous
all four of these immediately catch my eye and make me think, "ok, what thoroughbred in the MTG stable pulled these off? and of course its mr. marc poole. just beautiful. four stars for the first one and then MP hits his stride and pulls out all five star classics for the last three. absolutely gorgeous. ones tempted to make a deck just so you can play with all four different versions. alas, i've realized the futility of that long ago and hate losing more than art appreciation. still, one always hopes that a new land search card will come out or perhaps some new mechanic , combo , or twist that will allow these babies to see the light of day. oh well, perhaps someday............
17.79 $17.79
English Near Mint
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