Gaea's Skyfolk

Gaea s Skyfolk Apocalypse Singles
0.15 $0.15
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Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Elf Merfolk
Card TextFlying
Creature TypeElf, Merfolk
ArtistTerese Nielsen
Flavor TextThe grace of the forest and the spirit of the sea.
DescriptionApocalypse Single Card
Release Date06/04/2001
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- March 02, 2005
-- Anonymous
now a cheap 2/2 flyer for two mana is nothing to sneeze about as long as one doesn't get TOO excited. it is what it is. and "flying" has always stayed, since the beginning, one of the preeminent creature abilities of MTG. that being said i just wanted to mention the tidbit that this piece of work apparently features in a deck called "fish"(hope i got that correctly) in type 1(which i have almost no experience with , playing 1.5 almost exclusively) that is a cheap(for type 1) deck on the "fly." maybe someone could write in and let me know a little more about it. i believe its a utility deck that answers problems caused by their opponent and then finishes them with creatures like above. like i said though, not really in tune with type 1 decks though. in conclusion, a good cheap flyer that's just the right price on this site(as of this writing) and especially the foil version(s).................
- March 26, 2004
-- Anonymous
Pretty good card to put in a deck....many players don't have flyers!
0.15 $0.15
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