Protean Hulk Dissension Singles
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Rarity Rare
Color Green
Casting Cost
Card Type Creature - Beast
Card Text When Protean Hulk dies, search your library for any number of creature cards with total mana value 6 or less, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
Creature Type Beast
Set Dissension
Artist Matt Cavotta
Flavor Text "Meat *and* eggs. We eat!" —Borborygmos
Description Dissension Single Card
Release Date 05/05/2006
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- September 30, 2014
-- Jens N
Combo or fatty?
This guy used to enable turn "zero" (on your opponent''s upkeep) wins when paired with Elvish Spirit Guide, Gemstone Caverns and Flash. You''d start with the Caverns in play, exile the Spirit Guide, cast Flash, put the Hulk onto the battlefield and let it die to Flash''s ability. Then you search your library for a large number of 0-mana artifact creatures (Phyrexian Walker, Memnite, Ornithopter etc.), a couple of Disciple of the Vaults and an Arcbound Ravager to sacrifice everything, triggering the Disciples'' abilities and killing your opponent instantly.Aside from being a combo enabler, however, this card works just fine as a regular fatty that finds other things and puts onto the battlefield when it dies. This can be especially handy in  Commander, since the fact that you''re not allowed to play more than one copy of a card (aside from basic lands) makes card searching really powerful.
- January 14, 2010
-- sebastian
relentless rats thats all i have to say
- November 11, 2008
-- kathy bob joe
Great with twilight shepherd because twilight regenerates any amount of cards sent to the graveyard that turn. Hint Hint, anyone?
- July 13, 2008
-- Anonymous
... Uh? Am I reading this right? It says ANY NUMBER OF CREATURES with total mana cost 6 OR LESS? Here's a game situation: Bob:«Oh I got protean hulk in play» Robert:«Well I destroy it» Bob:«Bad move, Robert. Now I put ALL my creatures in my library into play.» Robert loses (duh!) the game.
Unless I am mistaking (and if I am please tell me!) this is like THE most awesome card ever... Just imagine what it can do in a aurochs deck...
- December 25, 2007
-- Anonymous
or play it with flash, then 4 dissiples of the vault and 4 shifting walls + 4 phyrexian marauders 32 life lost turn
- September 21, 2007
-- Anonymous
This + Flash = Broken.
Turn 2 Flash (turn 1 if you own mox's and the like) Hulk, let him die.

Pull 1 Heart sliver, and 4 virulent slivers into play, attack and good game. Poison counter death for the win...LAME!
- August 17, 2007
-- Anonymous
BIG, and if it dies bring Krag out or someone else good
- July 01, 2007
-- jim walsh
i used it to get out all my aurochs and combined with coat of arms which i also had handy i was hitting about 240 altogether i think?
- June 22, 2007
-- isaac dunford
this card is way good if u have a deck with lots of 0 mana cost cards and a few exspensive ones
- June 22, 2007
-- chad charles
i <3 him or her great to have on the field and doesnt matter if it dies
lots of combos to reuse
- May 18, 2007
-- VpZ101
This card is tres good, the new "hulk flash" combo doesn't look too pretty either, also i think a trickbind can counter the triggered ability when he dies so if you need a way to stop him, that would be it.
- April 08, 2007
-- MDM
Shallow Grave, thats all I got to say!
- March 14, 2007
-- fud*
i use it with sneak incredible!!! 6 hits...sacrifice it... search from library two eternal witness....and take it back....from graveyard....LOL....again and again......
- July 23, 2006
-- alban
I started playing Magic back when Revised came out, and stopped playing shortly after the Mirage series. Recently, I have picked up the game again, and I noticed this card that came in one of the Dissension starter decks. Certainly, this card seems to be a game ender type of card. ANY NUMBER of creatures with converted mana cost? ALL AT ONCE? This is incredible. It seems to be too powerful... but I wonder what are ways it can be countered? Anybody here with experience with this card? Is it broken? Can it be countered? What is to stop the owner from killing his own creature just to get out every creature from his deck into play?
- January 07, 2011
-- Anonymous
To the one above me; That would get you a whole of 2 Relentless Rats.. You get 6 mana to make you fetch creatures.. You can't just pull every creature with mana cost below 6 mana in play..
- February 25, 2009
-- greg
arg, i understand how you could read this wrong, it says "total." "Total" mana cost 6 or less. all right, now that that's out of the way...this card just screams greater it, sac it for a net of 3 cards, then either whip out a couple little creatures or play something with a crazy mana cost, such as...maelstrom angel. *but*...7 mana is a lot...
- July 23, 2008
-- Anonymous
O_O Sorry my bad I seriously didn't read well this card! It says total converted mana cost of 6 or less... That makes more sense! Well it's still awesome, you can get a couple of creatures in play when it dies. And the one you need most. Nice card.
- October 09, 2007
-- Red Dragon
It says 'with converted mana 6 OR LESS' so you can put your whole library into play, isn't it? I think that 'or less' means that the converted mana also can be 5,4,3,2 and 1...or am i wrong?
It's a great card anyway.
- January 31, 2007
-- adolf hitler
protean hulk can only obtain any amount of creatures with total converted mana cost 6. therefore, it can search for momir vig+ simic initate. use this card to get a lot of 0cost creatures before getting small creatures or 1 big creature
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