Woolly Thoctar Duel Decks Ajani vs Nicol Bolas Singles
0.35 $0.35
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Creature TypeBeast
SetDuel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
ArtistWayne Reynolds
Flavor TextOne of the most ferocious and deadly gargantuans, the thoctar never sees its worshippers, but it often awakens surrounded by gifts and sacrifices.
DescriptionDuel Deck: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas Single Card
Release Date09/02/2011
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- August 16, 2010
-- Tim
This card is just plain awesome! I like to combo this guy with a few enchantments from the Shadowmor set like Sheild of the Oversoul. Thats a 7/6 flying indestructable on turn 4! Or if you really want to ruin someones day slap Runes of the Deus on him making him 7/6 tample and double strike. Like I said awesome.
- May 31, 2011
-- Jay
Has to be the best Vanilla creature in all of magic, well maybe except Leatherback Baloth and of course Isamaru, Hound of Konda; depends on how many colors you want to run I guess. There's a reason why this is a staple in pretty much every Legacy Zoo deck, out of Bolt range, 5/4 for 3CMC is like running a budget version of Goofie at a little loss of tempo, Cool artwork, and it works with the above mentioned "Shadowmoor" auras'.
0.35 $0.35
Near Mint
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Sell to Us $0.06 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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