Mogg Fanatic Duel Decks Elves vs Goblins Singles
0.39 $0.39
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Goblin
Card TextSacrifice Mogg Fanatic: It deals 1 damage to any target.
Creature TypeGoblin
SetDuel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins
Flavor Text"I got it! I got it! I—"
DescriptionDuel Deck: Elves vs. Goblins Single Card
Release Date11/16/2007
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- March 17, 2009
-- ben_taylor79
I hate him and love him, in much the same way as I hate and love myself...
- December 10, 2007
-- Drew
Pretty much a good card all around.
- July 22, 2007
-- Anonymous
Cheap, versatile and useful. What else needs to be said?
- September 30, 2006
-- Ben
I have been using this card for years. Always a staple in my red T1 decks. Sacrifice abilities are extremely underrated. I actually won a few games solely based on sac'ing this guy to deal the final 1 point of damage.
- June 07, 2006
-- Shark Attack
Without this guy where would sligh be? Possibly the best one-drop ever.
- November 20, 2005
-- RAK
This is quite simply one of the most useful red cards ever printed. A Goblin, giving extra substance to a Piledriver attack, being able to blow itself up for one damage to a creature or player. Brilliant in the relevant formats. I wouldn't want to be hit by one of these in a hurry!
- October 05, 2005
-- Anonymous
One of the best red creatures ever. Frostling holds nothing on this little guy.
- October 30, 2004
-- Nick
Many players haven't even heard of this little powerhouse, but once they do they'll acknowledge that this belongs in any good red deck! For only one red mana, you have a decent little attacker, that can be pitched for a damage. The best part is that this ability is free and doesnt requite the creature to tap! You can chump block and then sac it, to get your adversary five percent closer to a loss, you can pick off a 1/1, anything its at your discretion. One of the best creatures ever, and likely one of red's finest as well, just a no-brainer!
- March 04, 2003
-- Anonymous
Mogg Fanatic...what is there to say? really strong.
0.39 $0.39
Near Mint
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