Orcish Lumberjack Duel Decks Heroes vs Monsters Singles
0.75 $0.75
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card Text
, Sacrifice a Forest: Add three mana in any combination of
Creature TypeOrc
SetDuel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters
ArtistSteve Prescott
Flavor Text"Wood is wasted in the dirt." —Orcish proverb
DescriptionDuel Deck: Heroes vs. Monsters Single Card
Release Date09/06/2013
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- July 06, 2007
-- David Hunter
First Turn: Mountain, Lumberjack, Petal
Second Turn: Forest, Tap it and the Mountain, Sac the Petal, Sac the Forest with the Lumberjack, Ball Lightning, Blood Lust, Berserk....or Ball Lightning, Giant Growth, Giant Growth, Berserk for a trampling 24/7 hasted Beast =)

Second and Third Turn kills galore =D

Such a classic!!
- February 13, 2006
-- Spin
This card is essential to my red/green deck. With one of these out on the first turn you can use the Ball Lightning/Blood Lust combo on turn two.
- June 16, 2009
-- Anonymous
Good combos guys. This one is cool too for a second turn kill;

1. turn:
Mountain -> Orcish Lumberjack

2. turn:
Forest -> Tinder Wall -> sac forest for +3 mana -> throw simian guide spirit off hand for +1 mana -> sac Tinder Wall

= Ball Lightning + Bloodlust + Fling = 2*10 damage

sadly this wont work with only the opening hand cause of the additional card.

Still nice though..
- October 26, 2005
-- Tomas Beck aka The Factory in eM
Man you have such a good deck with Shivan dragon.^^^^^^^

The real combo is this: First turn mountain tap the lumber jqack. Second turn tap the lumber jack and destroy a forestyou played and tapped for mana then you play channel pay 19 life casta fireball and win.

Actualy this is first turn black lotus mountian tap the lotuzs 3 green, then play channel pay 19 life then youtap the mounrian and you have G19R in your mana pool for a fireball.
- November 18, 2002
-- Anonymous
This card is only good in red/green speed burn decks, and it just begs to be combo'd with tinder wall for a second turn shivan. This little combo is going to be what makes my deck work so well, and I have for shivans!
0.75 $0.75
Near Mint
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