Darigaaz the Igniter Duel Decks Phyrexia vs The Coalition Singles
0.3 $0.30
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TextFlying Whenever Darigaaz, the Igniter deals combat damage to a player, you may pay
. If you do, choose a color, then that player reveals their hand and Darigaaz deals damage to the player equal to the number of cards of that color revealed this way.
Creature TypeDragon
SetDuel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition
ArtistMark Zug
DescriptionDuel Deck: Phyrexia vs. The Coalition Single Card
Release Date03/19/2010
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- October 13, 2002
-- Sean
It is a good card, but he can also be EASILY destroyed.
- August 06, 2002
-- Anonymous
This card is the best. Put it in an all color deck with Treva, Dromar, Rith, and Crosis, and Cromat and it will rule.
- May 02, 2002
-- Anonymous
Ths card is so underrated, i have one combined with crosis and dromar and hey work ace together. 6 for a 6/6 flyer rules but the abilitys nice too.
- December 15, 2001
-- Shane Henry
This card is of course #1. It is a 6/6 Flying, and deals critical damage. This is my destroyer card.
- November 08, 2001
-- Joe
This has to be my best card. Its great any time in the game and it deals lots of damage. When a friend showed me this card I made my deck to fit the card.
- July 18, 2001
-- Jon Kinsey
Without a doubt, my favorite Magic the Gathering card. Not because it is reasonably cheap (although for that I'm grateful), not because it has flying (Although this in itself would justify having the card in your deck), but because of it's ability. Any card with which is possible to do 14 damage a turn deserves 5 stars
- August 05, 2009
-- Ian
Why are you comareing a $3 card to a $500 card, come on. this carrd is great for your casual player or collecter 4 stars.
- March 16, 2003
-- Anonymous
1 star is unreasonably cruel and PUH-LEASE compare him with Timewalk!? But to the rest, can you make serious decks with him (I mean tournament quality decks)? I'd really like to know, cause I like the artwork of this guy.
- November 03, 2002
-- Anonymous
If you want a good card, look at time walk.
0.3 $0.30
Moderately Played
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Sell to Us $0.13 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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