Phyrexian Processor Duel Decks Phyrexia vs The Coalition Singles
0.55 $0.55
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- 16 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
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Card TextAs Phyrexian Processor enters the battlefield, pay any amount of life.
: Create an X/X black Phyrexian Minion creature token, where X is the life paid as Phyrexian Processor entered the battlefield.
SetDuel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition
ArtistDave Kendall
DescriptionDuel Deck: Phyrexia vs. The Coalition Single Card
Release Date03/19/2010
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- June 12, 2010
-- Trevor Abbott
A deck doesn't need life gain to work with this. Voltaic key and all sorts of methods make this card great. With mana accel ( Dark Ritual/Seething Song ) or whatever this card can come out very early and take over a game.
- October 27, 2009
-- Eric
Play it with Brion Stoutarm, direct damage and your first toss gets your life right back
- April 07, 2009
-- James Doto
Combo this with fortune theif or Planium Angel and you can summon a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 every turn.
- November 19, 2006
-- Anonymous
Phyrexian Processor + Noble Purpose guys... cmon...
- March 07, 2006
-- jb
you can NOT prevent or redirect life PAID >>>> same goes for the good ol' channel - necro - yawg's bargain ...think about it and just look at above comment. this does however work in a necro/ivory tower deck OHHHHH sooooo good. think about that too!!!
- November 23, 2005
-- Kathryn Arcangeli
Either dark ritual it out on turn 2 and pay 19 life, or say hello to my best friend, "Noble Purpose".
- November 09, 2003
-- Brad Theurer
Did any of you rad about or watch the world championship when Jon Finkel won. Both players played one of these and took 19 life. Ya take a look at the match sometime on
Go to worl championships you'll see it
- September 06, 2003
-- Bob Hope
if you have trancendance, forsaken wastes, two sterling groves, phyrexian processor, and war chariot in play,and a counter spell in your hand (incase of a tranquility, wrath of god, or nevinyrral's disk) and 7 lands you win
- April 15, 2003
-- Anonymous
Phyrexian processor works best with crumbiling sanctuary. pay all but 1 life for the processor and deck your opponent
- December 29, 2002
-- Gabriel ossa
only a few things to say pay 15 life, next turn make a token. swords to plow shares gain 15 life.
- March 31, 2002
-- cheese power
Its dobley good
- April 20, 2001
-- Derek Gabreski
This is a great card usable in any beat down deck it will cost you some life (recomend about 5 to 8 life depending on you current life total) but who cares if you get BIG BLACK creatures for it EVERY turn cheep.

CHEESE POWER RULES ...................
- March 30, 2010
-- Jonathon Miller
Kind of like a warped Riptide Replicator.
- July 01, 2002
-- Alex
This card is the ultimate in a two headed giant game. You can lose 20 life to it and still have 20 life to play with. Then you can pump out a 20/20 creature every turn after-awesome.
- April 22, 2001
-- Steve Chambers
Works Extremely well with either worthy cause, worship, or angelic chorus..... Really well with chorus
- April 18, 2001
-- Zakk Howell
Only good if you can gain life with your deck, then get over 20 life wait for a turn put out fires and bam kill your opponent in one turn and not worry about summoning sickness. But the rest of the time this card sucks.
0.55 $0.55
Near Mint
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* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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