Burning-Tree Emissary

Burning Tree Emissary Gatecrash Singles
0.25 $0.25
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting CostR/GR/G
Card TextWhen Burning-Tree Emissary enters the battlefield, add
Creature TypeHuman, Shaman
Flavor TextThose who regard the Gruul as savage simpletons underestimate the subtle power of their shamans.
DescriptionGatecrash Single Card
Release Date02/01/2013
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- September 13, 2014
-- Jeff
Great For almost any format.
If you''re playing Mono Green Devotion or any type of aggro that has red or green in it, this is definitely a card to get. Let''s look at the card and see why First of all it costs hybrid mana, meaning that you can either tap 2 green, or 2 red, or one of each, making it very versatile in either deck. Secondly you add a red and a green to your mana pool, almost like a manamorphose. If you''re running devotion, you can easily use that to activate a Nykthos and tap for how much devotion you have on the field. If your deck is any type of aggro or zoo, you can play this, then play one or two creatures, depending on their casting costs, giving you a good early game advantage. About a month ago in a standard tournament, I was able to chain 3 of these together, so I cast one Burning-Tree, then used the mana to cast another, then used the mana to cast a third, then used the Ghor-House Chain walker, a creature that costs 1 colorless and 1 red. My opponent couldn''t stabilize the game and quickly lost.So, in all, this is definitely a good card for modern or legacy. It will be missed in standard, since it''s due to rotate out in about 2 weeks of this review.
0.25 $0.25
Near Mint
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#133,947 on Troll and Toad
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