Oona's Prowler

Oona s Prowler Lorwyn Singles
0.39 $0.39
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Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Faerie Rogue
Card TextFlying Discard a card: Oona's Prowler gets -2/-0 until end of turn. Any player may activate this ability.
Creature TypeFaerie, Rogue
ArtistWayne Reynolds
Flavor TextDeep in Glen Elendra blossoms Oona, queen of the faeries, nourished by secrets and pollinated by stolen dreams.
DescriptionLorwyn Single Card
Release Date10/12/2007
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- June 24, 2009
-- Greg
This card is awesome in any black deck. Incinerate you, or ping and discard a card. Each turn. And it has flying. And it's a rogue (Oona's Blackguard). AND...it costs two!! That's insane! If you can't get your hands on a Bitterblossom, this card is a great replacement...
- June 26, 2008
-- Taylor Nottage
It's a 3/1 Flyer for 2 'nuff said

Pair it with Megrim, and you're opponent it screwed no matter what
- March 06, 2008
-- Deatheden
It's a must for anyone who wants to build a madness/prowl deck. I have 2 running in my deck and it goes well with it's partner tresspasser il vec.
- February 23, 2008
-- James
I have seen atleast 3 rogue decks already in my local area. It annoys me how predictable people are. But you are right. It does work. But can't you be more creative and original? Anyways I'm here to correct a mistake I made on my post. I meant to say ravenous rats instead of relentless rats.
- February 04, 2008
-- Wesley
Now that Morningtide is out, this card should get like a 6/5. Oona's blackguard + Oona's prowler = get slammed and discard one or discard one, get slammed, discard another. Nasty. Throw in a Stinkdrinker Bandit and you've got yourself a sick discard deck.
- February 03, 2008
-- James
dude ingognlia you obviously don't know what you're talking about..who cares if this card hits the opponent for 3? That's not what you want it to do. You WANT your opponent to discard a card so that it hits them for only one. The fact that you scored this card a three proves your ignorance to the entire world.
- February 03, 2008
-- James
I think this is my favorite card out of Lorywyn by far. It works great in my land destruction. Put some avalanche riders and River of tears with Pooling venom and hypnotic specter and relentless rats and you will having them discarding all the lands and creatures before they have a chance to get them out. And then if they do get lands out yuo can destroy them. This worked very well in my type 2 tournament in which I placed 3rd a few weeks ago. There are some other key cards but I shall keep them to myself. ;)
- December 17, 2007
-- Jordan
This is a ridiculously good card. First off, it flies. It's a 3/1 for 1B!!! Magic hasn't ever made such a powerful two drop before, at least, not in black. But then, I did miss the entire Urza block and I wasn't playing during Onslaught either. I hear Nantuko Shade is also pretty dangerous. But I digress. Back on task: the prowler, in addition to being a flier, will also give card advantage to anyone who doesn't want to/can't afford to take a hit. As long as you can keep her alive, she's excellent. Put a playset in a deck and I'm willing to wager you're playing a control deck it'll be agonizing to go up against.
- December 06, 2007
-- Anonymous
best black 2drop in type 2, and probably the game

nether traitor close 2nd
- November 05, 2007
-- mistagreeneyes
i forgot to mention one other really important thing... IT FLIES!!! Strap on a jitte (loxodon warhammer for you type 2ers out there) and watch you opponents faces as they contemplate how many cards they'd need to discard. :-D Like i said before... card advantage
- November 04, 2007
-- mistagreeneyes
I'd give it a 5 simply because any good discard deck should eliminate all the cards from your opponents' hand... and even if your opponents still have cards in hard, discarding to the prowler creates card advantage for you... and if by chance my reasoning is bad, i'm sure there's still a good reason troll is sold out.
- November 02, 2007
-- Anonymous
It's a 2cc creature swinging for 3 evasive. That alone makes this card amazing. If they discard to weaken it, they just turned the prowler into card advantage, hooray for us! This is also an excellent discard outlet for something like Haakon, which used in conjunction with nameless inversion will destroy many decks. A versatile and card advantage creating beater. What is not to like?
- January 07, 2008
-- Trevor
I am currently making a deck with cards like this to pump up my Mortivore and attack with him. I can also pump creatures out of my graveyard using Grave digger and a few other cards
- December 03, 2007
-- Drew
A good card. It gives your opponent no options. Either discard or be ready to take a hit.
- October 24, 2007
-- Duke DemonKnight
This isn't a 5 star because it's not really flexible enough, but does anyone besides me think there could be a sweet discard deck in Extended with this, the Rack, Hyppie, maybe Korlash as a finisher, maybe some Thoughtseize or even Smallpox in there? I think in my version I'd splash two other colors (but I don't want to say which ones) to make it more of a control/creatures deck that would play a tiny bit like The Rock but not the same colors except for the black.
- October 16, 2007
-- icognogolia
So-so...She will NEVER hit for three when you really, really want her to :(
0.39 $0.39
Near Mint
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