Planar Cleansing

Planar Cleansing Magic 2014 M14 Singles
0.35 $0.35
Near Mint
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- 4 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TextDestroy all nonland permanents.
SetMagic 2014 Core Set
ArtistMichael Komarck
DescriptionMagic 2014 (M14) Core Set Single Card
Release Date2013-07-19
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- August 01, 2009
-- Ragnar
Um to the first user, in ways this can dominate Wrath, due to it can get ride of all but lands, that does in clued Artifacts and Enchanments. And there are tons of ways to protect your own side of the field as well.
- November 22, 2009
-- asfsdg fhatha
it's more useful than thought, because the 6 mana is very possible when they have many big creatures in game.

I was once playing a RWG aggro/tromper min (the deck really sucks alot) against a 5 color control with 5 planeswalkers.

planar cleaning wiped out 4 planeswalkers and like 5 big creatures.

after that, he kinda built back up but i managed to mill him with a dragon mage

yeah it was really sad
- October 15, 2009
-- Randy Nelson
This is cool due to its planeswalker elimination ability. worth the 2 extra mana.
- July 23, 2009
-- Anonymous
My cousin pulled a foil one of these, pity, since it could have been a wrath of god in any other set. Too expensive for tournament play, but it'll get used in casual multiplayer. 3 stars.
0.35 $0.35
Near Mint
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.06 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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