Arena Book Magic The Gathering Promo Cards
8.39 $8.39
Near Mint Promo Card
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Card TypeLand
Card Text
: Choose one of your creatures and have your opponent choose one of his or her creatures. Both target creatures become tapped. Your creature does its power in damage to your opponent's creature, and your opponent's creature does its power in damage to yours.
DescriptionMagazine/Book/Comic Promo
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- July 20, 2006
-- Jimi Holmes
An incredibly interesting card with some fun uses, I'm thinking either using it with Phytohydra, or possibly with a creature enchanted by Druid's Call for some mass squirrel generation. Can even be used as a simple tapped if your opponent doesn't have many creatures, they get to choose but could definately be worth it.
- February 12, 2009
-- Azmodeus Lore
It's math may not be stellar, but wow is this card funny. Most creatures (Save for a few....i.e. Karplusian Yeti, Thangarth, ect) do not attack other creatures directly. This card changes that variable, in what might be one of the most chaotic ways possible. It mirrors lands such as Maze of Ith and Sorrow's Path (Both funny, funny cards in there own right) in that it produces no mana. Not the most stable card, but if Deathtouch is your thing, this is well worth the money and the time it will take to properly work into your deck.
8.39 $8.39
Near Mint Promo Card
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