Spiritmonger - Grand Prix Foil

Spiritmonger Grand Prix Foil Magic The Gathering Promo Cards
1.29 $1.29
Played Promo Card
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Sell to Us $1.06 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionGrand Prix DCI Promo
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
No Buying Options Found
- December 08, 2009
-- Cyril
I'm currently building an all gold multi-player deck, my stipulation is that EVERY card must have the newer looking gold borders. For example, Pernicious Deeds Judge Foil, Vindicate Judge Foil and now SPIRIT MONGER Grand Prix DCI Promo! I've been looking for an amazingly strong card to replace my Lord of Extinction and now I have it! This is an amazingly hardy creature with a regenerate for (B) and allows you to block creatures w/ Fear and Intimidate quite handily! I would strong recommend this card for rock builds or any other B/G/x variants! Also from shopping around, TrollandToad.com has the very best price on this rarity! I can't wait until they get a playset of them in so I can add them to my collection! What an amazing value in price, CC, and quality!
1.29 $1.29
Played Promo Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $1.06 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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