8th Edition (Eighth Edition) Core Set 2-Player Starter Box of 6 Decks (MTG)

8th Edition Eighth Edition Core Set 2 Player Starter Box of 6 Decks MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
84.95 $84.95
Shrinkwrapped Factory Sealed Starter Box
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RarityStarter Box
DescriptionEighth Edition (Core Set) has at least one card from every expansion since Alpha, making the total number of this expansion 357 premium cards. This is a sealed two player starter deck tournament box of 6 decks. Each deck contains 30 cards in mint condition. With this box you and a friend have all you need to start playing Magic the Gathering!

Of the 357 cards in the 8th Edition Core Set, the most famous cards are: Underworld Dreams, Avatar Of Hope, and Blinding Angel.

You could instead just purchase the individual 8th Edition 2 Player Starter Tournament Decks.
Dimensions6.5" H x 4" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight2.255 pounds
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84.95 $84.95
Shrinkwrapped Factory Sealed Starter Box
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