8th Edition (Eighth Edition) Core Set Preconstructed Theme Deck Box of 15 Decks MTG

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Rarity | Theme Deck Box |
Description | This sealed box contains 3 copies each of 5 different Pre-Constructed Theme Decks. Each deck contains 40 cards.The four different decks are: Expulsion Pre-constructed Theme Deck, Heavy Hitters Pre-constructed Theme Deck, Speed Scorch Pre-constructed Theme Deck, Life Boost Pre-constructed Theme Deck and Sky Slam Pre-constructed Theme Deck. |
Dimensions | 4.5" H x 5.5" W x 5" D |
Ship Weight | 2.98 pounds |
- October 05, 2004
-- Henk Van Wulpen
-- Henk Van Wulpen
A great set for beginners and casual gamers. Find another player (or two) and give everyone a copy of each of the five decks. Plenty of fun already and if you start getting bored with the basic decks, you can start combining them to build your own. Just a pity though that the decks are only 40 cards instead of the required 60.
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Magic: The Gathering Sealed Product