Guildpact Gruul Wilding Preconstructed Theme Deck (MTG)

Guildpact Gruul Wilding Preconstructed Theme Deck MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
14.95 $14.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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RarityTheme Deck
DescriptionGruul Wilding Sealed Guildpact Theme Deck

The Gruul Wilding deck pounds your opponent with furious monsters. The creatures in your deck are probably already bigger than the creatures your opponent has but factor in the bloodthirst ability and your power-pumping enchantments and there's no contest! When your opponent starts crying for mercy, don't bother showing any. It's not the Gruul way.

Get your small creatures on the table as soon as possible and start attacking with them. This deck is all about aggression, and you want your opponent to feel the pain partially because it's fun and partially because you have lots of creatures with bloodthirst, like Bloodscale Prowler and Scab-Clan Mauler. Don't be afraid to play them when you can't get the bonus. This deck will find other ways to make them stronger, and an attacking creature is better than a creature sitting in your hand.

To pump up all your creatures at once, all you need to do is whomp your opponent with Borborygmos. But if he's not around to lead the Gruul into battle, the next best thing is to enchant your creatures with Fists of Ironwood, Fencer's Magemark, and Beastmaster's Magemark. Each Magemark makes all your enchanted creatures bigger, so be sure to spread your Auras around. Gatherer of Graces and Bramble Elemental are particularly good targets; the Gatherer grows stronger when enchanted while the Elemental rewards you with new friends.

If your Auras somehow wind up in your graveyard, Dowsing Shaman can bring them back for more creature-pumping fun. The Shaman is particularly good with Wurmweaver Coil. Play the Aura, sacrifice it to make a 6/6 Wurm, and then return it to your hand to start the process over. There's no such thing as too many Wurms!

To improve the deck, try reducing the number of expensive creatures in favor of more Scorched Rusalkas, Scab-Clan Maulers, and Gruul Guildmages. They'll make the deck faster and maximize the damage you dish out. To add power, check out the Guildpact set's other Gruul cards. Some good choices are Rumbling Slum, a four-mana 5/5 creature that guarantees your creatures with bloodthirst all show up huge, and Skarrgan Firebird, a fearsome flying creature that keeps rising from the dead.

Cards in this deck:

  • 1 Scorched Rusalka U
  • 2 Sparkmage Apprentice* C
  • 2 Bloodscale Prowler C
  • 1 Indentured Oaf* U
  • 2 Dryad Sophisticate U
  • 2 Gatherer of Graces U
  • 2 Gruul Scrapper C
  • 2 Dowsing Shaman* U
  • 2 Bramble Elemental* C
  • 1 Gruul Nodorog C
  • 1 Battering Wurm U
  • 1 Scab-Clan Mauler C
  • 1 Burning-Tree Bloodscale C
  • 1 Streetbreaker Wurm C
  • 2 Skarrgan Skybreaker U
  • 1 Borborygmos R
  • 1 Wild Cantor C
  • 1 Gruul Guildmage U
  • 3 Fencer's Magemark C
  • 2 Fists of Ironwood* C
  • 3 Beastmaster's Magemark C
  • 1 Wildsize C
  • 1 Wurmweaver Coil R
  • 11 Mountain*
  • 12 Forest*
  • 1 Skarrg, the Rage Pits U
  • * = from a previous set

    *Description Provided by the Manufacturer

    Dimensions6.5" H x 4" W x 1.5" D
    Ship Weight0.2 pounds
    - September 13, 2009
    -- Anonymous
    This deck is awesome! If you don't buy, you're missing out.
    - December 17, 2007
    -- Anonymous
    this pack is good
    IT is even better when mixing it with some white cards
    - September 30, 2007
    -- Anonymous
    This deck rocks. I looked at it on the internet before I bought it and I thought it looked good. Ok so when I crack it open I think man this deck is awesome. My friend had just bought the Orzhov and loved it I beat it easily. I have only lost once with this deck and I haven't done anything to this deck. My point is this deck awesome, buy it.
    - February 18, 2007
    -- Goblin Master 911
    This deck is the best because it has Borborygamus a 12/12 unblockable monster with bloodtherst 2 and haste i beat my mom 2 times but she had a goblin raider that took me out so i lost only 10 times but its really good!!!!
    - November 27, 2006
    -- Anonymous
    This is amazing and totally worth the money. I have made major changes and have nearly beaten the unbeatable with it!
    - July 28, 2006
    -- Anonymous
    This deck is just amazing!!!! Especially for begginers, the wurms in this deck have the cheapest casting cost I've ever seen. All around this deck could use some even lower costing creatures but on its own it's simply great!!!
    - May 02, 2010
    -- The Eldrazi Guy
    This deck isn't perfect to start. Not much for the early game. With some upgrades though, this can become a great deck. Some say this is terrible. It doesn't take a heck of a lot to make it better. With the enchanment+huge creatures base, you can make a bomb of a deck. After rebuilding it with elephant guides and rancor (lots of bloodthirsters too!) this has become a great deck. I also went to shadowmoor to get deus of calamity and its runes. Great deck now!
    - August 17, 2009
    -- Jonathon Miller
    I bought this deck and turned it into a wicked red/green enchantment deck. Add some Llanowar Elves and Quirion Elves to help.
    - June 09, 2007
    -- Anonymous
    this deck may need some work but no deck is going to be exactly to your liking when you buy it. even though it takes a while to get strong cards out when you finally do you will unlease an unstopable furry . plus most of the cards use the trample effect so even if you loose a monster your opponent takes all the dammage. finally all the creatures work together by making each other sronger and some of the cards.can make dirrect blows to your opponents life.
    oh ya and you can make your creatures so strong you can have a score like 17life them, and you onlyhaving like 6 and come back and win in 2 turns or if your good 1 turn HIGHLY UNLIKLY.
    - September 30, 2006
    -- ganon07
    This deck is awesome! Its my favorite deck besides orzhov. I love viashinos and this deck is full of'em. A good card to add is Lovisa Coldeyes (rare from coldsnap). It and Borborygmos power up your other cards.
    - April 01, 2006
    -- Tony Stevens
    This deck is tough, strong, and butt kickin good!!! Im a MTG newbie and my friend kicked my butt at first, until I got this deck! You wont be sorry for buying tis deck!!!
    - August 13, 2009
    -- kayla
    I found that I had to change the deck around alot. The problem was it came with really good creatures, but than you whould have almost been beaten by the time you had the land to play them. It also has alot of auras to make your creatures more powerful. I would only recomend this deck if you already have the cards to augment it but over all it is a good base.
    - May 11, 2006
    -- K Baret
    This deck at a glance looks great. Although it is pretty good, it needs some serious work. For one thing, the mana flow is way out of whack, and the big creatures can go in favor of some Rumbling Slums and Skarrgan Pit-Skulks. Also, the Dryad Sophisticates are rarely used and need to go as well.
    - July 16, 2006
    -- Anonymous
    its not a good deck......... plain and simple. even if you boost it with big guys like rumbling slum and some giant solifuge also add those burning tree shamans that rock the world, still the deck stinks! you need alot of money to build this deck up and once you do find all the cards like the missing kird apes and ad jite's to the game you will still need about 300$ at the least to make it a good playable deck but it is verry good for newbies i would recomend it over a core set any day just play magic online and play agiants your friends and got to tournements
    easy to learn. .........................simple beside that it sucks. i recomend to get a rakdos deck or orzhov deck i am playing orzhov right now it it rocks! play card combinations like mortify and then beat down on your oponent with creatures. Use the guildmage to boost your life and inflict on both . it makes the game fun and it is a colorfull combination of angels and zombies. get ghost warden out on the feild or eager cadet then play hero's resolve on the 2cnd turn while grull may have a 11 that can attack and a 22 guild mage that cant you already have a 26
    that is a great combination. city of contrition can also help you big time it only cost 1 swamp and your oponent discards a card and its a sorcery that haunts so your opponent yet agian has to discard a card. true believer.........
    AMAZING! you your self cant be the target of spells and abillities while true believer is in play. mourning thrull also a great card each time it deals damage you gain life equal to how much you did so orzhov is the final choice.
    14.95 $14.95
    Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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