Ice Age Booster Box (MTG)

Ice Age Booster Box MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
899.95 $899.95
Booster Box
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityBooster Box
DescriptionIce Age contains 383 new cards for Magic: The Gathering. This box contains 36 sealed packs. Each booster pack within this box contains 15 cards including 1 rare, 3 uncommon, and 11 common cards.

Of the 383 cards in the Ice Age set, the most famous cards are: Illusions Of Grandeur, Underground River, and Jester Cap.

If you like this product you might want to check out the Ice Age Booster Pack or the Ice Age Complete Set.
Dimensions5" H x 8" W x 3" D
Ship Weight2.23 pounds
- April 13, 2009
-- Clyde Powell
My personal favorite set of all Magic's expansions, Ice Age would be ideal for any fan of classic Magic. Printed back when flavor and art were unparalelled, some will find the cards underpowered, but this fact is far overshadowed by the look and feel of the set. These cards were printed when the card game was still young and Before it had sold out it's integrity for childish gamers.
- November 10, 2007
-- Patrick
This is a very dissapointing set, IMO. I got a booster box of them one christmas when I was a wee lad, and Ice Age first came out. I still have most of those cards, and I am disgusted by them. There are only a couple cards worth using, and most of those cards would be better replaced by better one from different sets. Any time they printed what might've been a useful card in this set, they would put cumulative upkeep on it, and make it not worth anything.
899.95 $899.95
Booster Box
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