Jace vs. Chandra Duel Deck (MTG)

Jace vs Chandra Duel Deck MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
94.95 $94.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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RarityDuel Deck
DescriptionJace vs Chandra Theme Deck
Jace's Deck List

23 Island
1 Terrain Generator

1 Aethersnipe
1 Air Elemental
1 Bottle Gnomes
1 Brine Elemental
1 Errant Ephemeron
2 Fathom Seer
1 Fledgling Mawcor
1 Guile
2 Man-o'-War
1 Martyr of Frost
2 Mulldrifter
1 Ophidian
1 Quicksilver Dragon
1 Riftwing Cloudskate
2 Spire Golem
1 Voidmage Apprentice
2 Wall of Deceit
1 Waterspout Djinn
1 Willbender

Other Spells
1 Ancestral Vision
2 Condescend
2 Counterspell
1 Daze
1 Fact or Fiction
1 Gush
1 Jace Beleren
1 Mind Stone
2 Repulse

Chandra's Deck List

1 Keldon Megaliths
24 Mountain

1 Chartooth Cougar
1 Fireslinger
2 Flamekin Brawler
1 Flametongue Kavu
1 Flamewave Invoker
2 Furnace Whelp
1 Hostility
1 Ingot Chewer
2 Inner-Flame Acolyte
2 Oxidda Golem
1 Pyre Charger
1 Rakdos Pit Dragon
2 Slith Firewalker
2 Soulbright Flamekin

Other Spells
1 Chandra Nalaar
1 Cone of Flame
1 Demonfire
2 Fireball
2 Fireblast
2 Firebolt
1 Flame Javelin
2 Incinerate
1 Magma Jet
2 Seal of Fire

*Description Provided by the Manufacturer
Dimensions7" H x 5.25" W x 1.75" D
Ship Weight0.65 pounds
- January 02, 2011
-- Garret Castle
I recently spent a good bit of $ to get one of these while trying to get all the older duel decks before they rose too high in price. Chances are it will be best to get the sealed deck or full set instead of singles because of how hard it can be to hunt down the Jace and the Counterspells. Both decks are very good, however, while playing them I found that the Jace deck seems to be a tab better than Chandra. This may just be luck so far, but Jace has a ton of draw power and I have spent a couple games with nearly a full hand. He also has a good bit of counters and return to hand cards, which work great, as well as flyers. Chandra could use a bit more burn spells and I feel her creatures are a bit lacking. If she had a 2nd magma jet and flame javelin her deck would be a nice bit better.
Still, overall, the decks have great cards and I think it is worth it (especially if I need to borrow counterspells or such). The alternate artworks are nice and both decks are good. Jace may be a little better, but it could just be odd luck in the duels I did with it...
- November 20, 2010
-- Cole compeau
This is your three dot guy. i truly recamend these decks.Because ,even if you dont like the deck you can take jace and make a control deck. And or make a deck with Chandra . Chandra and jace are truly great cards...dont waste this oppertunity to buy them
- November 03, 2009
-- croz
This is by far the most balanced duel deck yet. both represent their color's startegy very well and they ar eboth fun to play.
- February 17, 2009
-- bucksnort
chandra deck is nicely built, and very strong. i have it online and the real version. online ive won about 15 games with it and lost 0, its not surprizing to win on round 4 or 5 with a flawless victory. in real life ive only played it a few games and it does really well, jace beat her once out of about 4 vs games. chandra planeswalker card is nasty.

jace seems not to be as strong as chandra at first, but he keeps up and will surprize u how he can shut chandra down, sometimes. the abilitys arent very offencive on the jace planeswalker card, but useful for drawing cards. chandra is a much stronger planeswalker. jace big ability is a waste of time, since no other cards in the deck really make opponent put cards from his deck into grave yard, it would take 20 or more turns to make someone run out of cards using this deck stock(unaltered).

both decks are fun, but chandra is a force to be reconed with. chandra = best theme deck ive played so far, out of about 15 differnt ones, although i need to play chandra vs more shards of alara theme decks, those mite take her down.
- December 11, 2008
-- Daniel H
Color me impressed.
The Duel Deck comes with 120 cards, many of which are staples in their field, especially for casual play. Notable cards - Both planeswalkers, alt-art'd; 2 each of counterspell and incinerate, alt-art'd; fact or fiction, quicksilver dragon, demonfire, 2x man-o-war, Guile and Hostility, ancestral vision, flame javelin, Rakdos pit dragon, a flametongue, and a pair of fireblasts. Very good set of cards for under $20, and the two decks are balanced enough to play against each other fairly evenly.
A must-buy, especially for newer players who want an inexpensive way to get powerful cards in red and blue quickly. buying two gets a full set of Incinerate, Seal of Fire, Counterspell, Man-o-war, both Affinity for [land] golems, and Firebolt.
Good work, Wizards. I hope the next one is as good.
- November 09, 2008
-- Anonymous
Can I just say wow. This duel deck makes Goblins Vs. Elves seem like a rip-off. These decks have some of the best red and blue cards out there, not to mention the really cool planeswalker desgins. you get two 60 card decks, four rares, and the staples for some great burn and mill decks, no better offer is out there!
94.95 $94.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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