Jace vs. Chandra Japanese Duel Deck (MTG)

Jace vs Chandra Japanese Duel Deck MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
59.95 $59.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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Description Jace vs. Chandra Japanese Duel Deck
This version of Jace vs. Chandra is a JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY reissue of the popular Duel Deck. The two mythic rare Planeswalker cards feature brand-new art from Japanese manga artist Yoshino Himori, artist for of the Dengeki adaptation of Laura Resnick's novel "The Purifying Fire."

Everything about this is the same as the English version, except that it's in Japanese only and that the two foil Planeswalkers will have new art.

Jace vs Chandra Theme Deck
Jace's Deck List

23 Island
1 Terrain Generator

1 Aethersnipe
1 Air Elemental
1 Bottle Gnomes
1 Brine Elemental
1 Errant Ephemeron
2 Fathom Seer
1 Fledgling Mawcor
1 Guile
2 Man-o'-War
1 Martyr of Frost
2 Mulldrifter
1 Ophidian
1 Quicksilver Dragon
1 Riftwing Cloudskate
2 Spire Golem
1 Voidmage Apprentice
2 Wall of Deceit
1 Waterspout Djinn
1 Willbender

Other Spells
1 Ancestral Vision
2 Condescend
2 Counterspell
1 Daze
1 Fact or Fiction
1 Gush
1 Jace Beleren
1 Mind Stone
2 Repulse

Chandra's Deck List

1 Keldon Megaliths
24 Mountain

1 Chartooth Cougar
1 Fireslinger
2 Flamekin Brawler
1 Flametongue Kavu
1 Flamewave Invoker
2 Furnace Whelp
1 Hostility
1 Ingot Chewer
2 Inner-Flame Acolyte
2 Oxidda Golem
1 Pyre Charger
1 Rakdos Pit Dragon
2 Slith Firewalker
2 Soulbright Flamekin

Other Spells
1 Chandra Nalaar
1 Cone of Flame
1 Demonfire
2 Fireball
2 Fireblast
2 Firebolt
1 Flame Javelin
2 Incinerate
1 Magma Jet
2 Seal of Fire

*Description Provided by the Manufacturer
Dimensions7" H x 5.25" W x 1.75" D
Ship Weight0.7 pounds
- February 29, 2012
-- Jordan
As a long time player and collector of magic cards i think its awesome that they made some reprints with new art. God forbid cards in Japanese have artwork that reflects that. So what you play magic to play magic? You probably aren't playing with Japanese cards anyways. If you don't like the art you could simply give it a 1star and say: "I don't like the art" instead of calling it japanimation garbage when its a JAPANESE deck.
- December 31, 2010
-- Nate Leisi
Couldn't have said that better... I, for one, really like this new art, granted the originals are just as great. But then again, i'm an anime and manga nerd through and through, lol. I hope to soon add this to my collective.
Athough i have to slightly agree, though i don't believe them to be "ruined", MTG should stay just that... too many shows and products are turning into card games, and MTG shouldn't really fall too much into that kind of line.
But it is neat they're making special editions of some of people's favorite cards, and i do think it makes a good addition to any collective, manga fan or not.
- December 26, 2010
-- Jordan
This duel deck pack, regardless of the language it's printed in, is pretty solid. It's exactly the same as the English language version so why is there a problem? Surely you can't be superficial enough toe be offended by manga artwork? You DO realize that it's actually an art form, right? Manga as a form of art does not exist exclusively on lunchboxes and the Cartoon Network, and not everyone has to be some anime fanboy to appreciate it.
Rate the deck, not the art.
- December 22, 2010
-- Frozen yeti
Yay! The new art is so cool :-) Got me a box, and I'm happy
- December 17, 2010
-- dakota forsythe
This is cool. They are really trying hard to please there costumers, at least give some credit :(. Any ways This is cool looking i wish i had one.
- April 24, 2011
-- Anonymous
I am a huge anime/japanese manga art fan. It makes me happy that they made this. It looks so cool! I just wish they had some in english
- January 13, 2011
-- Anonymous
A little pricey, however definitely a must have for collectors. Artwork looks great and I personally hope Wizards continue to make alternative artwork/manga style cards in the future. :)
- January 02, 2011
-- Garret Castle
Well, the artwork is a big part of this deck, because the main reason to buy it is the alternate art! Personally, I don't care much for the new arts. Jace isn't bad, but I don't like the white symbols/lines on his outfit (where are far less noticeable in most other versions). Chandra... well I don't like fact she isn't wearing her normal armor (aka, far less clothes than normal) for the manga so I don't really prefer this art and probably is my least favorite version because of it (tbh, original is my fav for the non-ablaze artworks).
Besides that, you get a lot of nice cards. However, they are all Japanese... this can be good or bad. If you want to use it as a duel deck, aka dueling decks against each other with a friend, you probably won't be able to use this unless you can read Japanese or unless both of you memorized every single card. However, these cards are still tournament legacy and the Jace is worth a good bit. I got singles of the Magma Jet for only $1 for my burn deck, which is a bit cheaper than the other versions. So if you want to buy the deck just to loot it for the good cards and resell the ones you don't want, it is probably worth it (I seen it for $25 with shipping in some places). If you want it for the duel decks to use, it probably isn't a good idea unless you can read the cards...
Overall, it is a great deck because the originals were great. It has new artworks and cheaper reprints of a lot of cards and is good.
59.95 $59.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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