Judgment Inundation Preconstructed Theme Deck (MTG)

Judgment Inundation Preconstructed Theme Deck MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
14.95 $14.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityTheme Deck
DescriptionSealed pre-constructed theme deck of 60 cards
Dimensions3.7" H x 2.7" W x 0.7" D
Ship Weight0.29 pounds
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- October 26, 2009
-- Jens N
Inundation is a pretty solid White Weenie theme deck. It's fast, and can put pressure on the other theme decks of the Judgement edition. A decent choice for a new Magic player, but as with most theme decks, it requires some tweaking before you can go casual against other players than just friends.
- July 20, 2007
-- Jessica
Inundation is not the deck listed above. This deck is a White Weenie Deck, consisting of the following cards:

20 Plains
3 Benevolent Bodyguards C
1 Dedicated Martyr* C
2 Mystic Penitent * U
2 Spurnmage Advocate U
4 Suntail Hawk C
2 Beloved Chaplain* U
3 Patrol Hound* C
2 Nomad Decoy* U
1 Shieldmage Advocate C
3 Militant Monk** C
2 Aven Cloudchaser C
1 Valor U
1 Commander Eesha R
1 Selfless Exorcist R
3 Guided Strike C
2 Shelter* C
1 Embolden* C
1 Prismatic Strands C
2 Unquestioned Authority U
2 Battle Screech U

Not a bad deck, all in all, but certainly not what I thought I was purchasing.
14.95 $14.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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