Lorwyn Elvish Predation Preconstructed Theme Deck (MTG)

Lorwyn Elvish Predation Preconstructed Theme Deck MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
49.95 $49.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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- 11 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityTheme Deck
Elvish Predation Pre-Constructed Theme Deck contains the following cards...

3 Scarred Vinebreeder
1 Lys Alana Scarblade
3 Moonglove Winnower
1 Hunter of Eyeblights
2 Elvish Eulogist
2 Leaf Gilder
1 Wren's Run Vanquisher
2 Elvish Harbinger
3 Gilt-Leaf Seer
2 Imperious Perfect
2 Jagged-Scar Archers
1 Immaculate Magistrate
2 Lys Alana Huntmaster
2 Nath's Elite
1 Nath of the Gilt-Leaf

1 Prowess of the Fair
2 Eyeblight's Ending
1 Lammastide Weave
2 Gilt-Leaf Ambush
2 Elvish Promenade
1 Wanderer's Twig

9 Swamp
14 Forest
Dimensions4.5" H x 3" W x 0.75" D
Ship Weight0.2 pounds
- October 07, 2010
-- Jack
This deck is probably the best I have seen. The cards all work well with each other and it has a really solid theme. However, if you want the full potential of elves, you might want to make it pure green. Add a couple of Jagora Wallcallers to combo with the Immaculate Magistrate, and a Nissa Revane. If you are really ready to spend, get the Duels of the Planeswalker: Ears of the Elves to go with this. I haven't lost a game yet with my modded deck.
- May 07, 2010
-- snackpack
This is the best theme deck i ever bought and i bought over 2 years and i still use it today. No matter what you do to it take may be 10 cards and add some tufer eleves with stronger abilitys and you will own the other person. YEA!
- May 02, 2010
-- The Eldrazi Guy
Definitely a great deck. I rarely lose when I play with it. It has changed when new sets have come out, but it still remains based in lorwyn. Nissa revane and jorga warcallers are great additions. New and old go great together. It's still my favorite and most trusted deck. Probably always will be too!
- September 09, 2009
-- Jonathon Miller
Great deck out of the box. Maybe add Elvish Champion or Bramblewood Paragon.
- August 01, 2009
-- METzepp
this deck kicks ass!
all of the creatures are elves, and about 80% of them allow you to produce even more elves!
buy this deck now!
- May 16, 2009
-- Anonymous The Awesome Dude
this deck is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w/ (with) a few minor ajustments this deck can be ready for anything!!! and best of all you don't have to worry about losing creatures because for each creature you lose, 5 more come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this deck is easly the best deck out of the 7 I own (except maybe lorwyn's kithun deck)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only down side is that all my friends NEVER let me use it!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO BUY A DECK BUY THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- January 28, 2008
-- Rob
Elves were always my favorite. I had to buy this deck and glad I did! Some great cards here like Imperious Perfect, Leaf Gilder, Immaculate Magistrate, Nath's Elite. Build an army and take down your opponent!
- December 20, 2007
-- Daniel
This is one of the better precons I've used in my time playing the game. It's a great start for anyone just getting into the game, containing several great cards that make up for the cost of the deck by themselves, such as Wren's Run Vanquisher and Imperious Perfect. If you are looking to expand the deck, picking up two of the decks and integrating the more useful elements improves it vastly. Beyond that, you can begin by looking into the Lorwyn rares Masked Admirers and Wren's Run Packmaster and the Core Set common Llanowar Elves.
- October 16, 2007
-- Melissa
Lookout Kebbler!! There is some new elvish magic happen here!!!! Enjoy!!
- October 16, 2007
-- Melissa
This deck is awesome!!!!!! Buy this deck. It's the best. Build an army quickly and kill off your oppents. The forest is alive with the power of elves!!!
- September 11, 2010
-- Michael
Love this deck, I have 2 other elf decks and this one by far out performs them on a daily basis.
49.95 $49.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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