Premium Deck Series: Slivers (MTG)

Premium Deck Series Slivers MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
249.95 $249.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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- 6 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityTheme Deck
DescriptionPremium Deck Series: Slivers
Contents Include:
60-Card Premium Foil Deck, Including 5 Rare Cards and 1 Mythic Rare
Exclusive Spindown Life Counter
Foil Deck Box
Strategy Insert
Magic "Learn to Play" Guide

Full Deck List Spoiler:

1 x Acidic Sliver
1 x Amoeboid Changeling
1 x Armor Sliver
1 x Barbed Sliver
1 x Brood Sliver
1 x Clot Sliver
1 x Crystalline Sliver
1 x Frenzy Sliver
1 x Fungus Sliver
1 x Fury Sliver
2 x Gemhide Sliver
1 x Heart Sliver
1 x Hibernation Sliver
1 x Homing Sliver
2 x Metallic Sliver
1 x Might Sliver
2 x Muscle Sliver
1 x Necrotic Sliver
1 x Quick Sliver
1 x Sliver Overlord
2 x Spectral Sliver
1 x Spined Sliver
1 x Victual Sliver
2 x Virulent Sliver
1 x Winged Sliver

1 x Aphetto Dredging
1 x Coat of Arms
1 x Distant Melody
1 x Heartstone
1 x Wild Pair

2 x Ancient Ziggurat
1 x Rootbound Crag
2 x Rupture Spire
2 x Terramorphic Expanse
2 x Vivid Creek
2 x Vivid Grove

Description Provided by the Manufacturer
Dimensions7" H x 7.5" W x 2.5" D
Ship Weight0.631 pounds
- April 13, 2010
-- Oscar Kiszka
The best sliver deck ever.
- March 31, 2010
-- Bojo
This deck is great. The land cards are perfect for it. I added 4 more different changelings to it, Fire-Belly, Hero, Moonglove, and Woodland. Pretty good additions me thinks.
- March 20, 2010
-- Levi de Graaf
Great deck, needs some more gemhides and some other slivers, but works very well.
turn 6 you got 10-15 slivers with 5/5 haste, mana, regen(2), and maybe even doublestrike. (if the opponent didn't lose already)
- December 30, 2009
-- dylan
this deck is amazing . i got one for christams from my girl and i have been stopming people left and right with. all i did was add a sliver queen to it. i say its way worht the money, thanks trollandtoad
- December 30, 2009
-- Jeremiah Wesley
Best deck you can buy.
- December 03, 2009
-- TJ
This is by far one of the best preconstructed decks I have ever bought. well worth the money. With the amoeboid changeling and the sliver overlord in play you can control any creature out there. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Sofar I havnt made a lot of changes, I added 2 more rupture spires and an essence sliver to make i even more awesome. Buy this and you won't regret it.
249.95 $249.95
Sealed Preconstructed Deck
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