Unhinged Booster Box (MTG)

Unhinged Booster Box MTG Magic The Gathering Sealed Product
599.95 $599.95
Booster Box
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- 4 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityBooster Box
DescriptionSealed Box of 36 Packs
Dimensions2.8" H x 8" W x 5" D
Ship Weight2.26 pounds
- August 11, 2008
-- J
me and my friends dont use unhinged in our decks just cuz of how the cards r
i mean every now and then we'll be like "hey lets make unhinged decks and battle"
but still love the set
- February 20, 2005
-- Tom Nipple
Being the second Un-set, Unhinged goes leaps and bounds beyond what anyone thought a "Comedy" set could do. Be forewarned - this is NOT your normal Magic, and it doesn't for a moment expect you to think otherwise. This set is as casual and fun as they come, with mechanics revolving around what you say and what you do, with other emphasis on using parts of the cards not normally addressed during play. In no other set will your plays care about which artist illustrated which card, whether you are touching the table or not, or which creature's card has the lowest collector number. The set is wildly 'broken', infinitely abusable (and abusive at times), and never dull for a moment. If you are a serious Magic player, who breathes drafts and lives in your decks, go somewhere else. If you are looking to have some fun playing a *social* game, then by all means buy a few packs.
- March 12, 2007
-- Jonathon Striker
I guess its fun to play when all your friends are playing "theme" decks such as a "Gotcha" deck against a tall and older person who gains life according to his age and has a creature with power and toughness to his height and weight, while someone else likes to combo word mail with the green creature who has the long name or the shape shifter with no name that you can give any name you want until end of turn. I mainly like out of it the Letter Bomb and Time Machine, and random mini-game antics such as holding breath longer than an opponent, playing Rock-Paper-Scissors, or the Magic sub-game under the table, but nevertheless, one can only take so much of this ridiculous game that breaks most of the rules of a real game. The lands are sweet though, so that one reason to get at least one box of unhinged.
- November 24, 2004
-- mike
The cards look nice, but the new mechanics are such a headache:
it's no longer about playing magic, it's a game of concentration.
It's just too much, it wasn't funny, and there are a billion rule clarifications that would need to be made.
599.95 $599.95
Booster Box
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