Spirit of the Night

Spirit of the Night Mirage Singles
7.29 $7.29
Near Mint
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- 27 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Legend
Card TextFlying, trample, haste, protection from black Spirit of the Night has first strike as long as it's attacking.
Creature TypeDemon, Spirit
ArtistCliff Nielsen
Flavor Text
DescriptionMirage Single Card
Release Date10/08/1996
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- May 29, 2010
-- Jay
One of the fatties I run in my B/G Oath of Druids deck, along with Dense Foliage and Cursed Totem though I think I could use Linvala in place of Cursed Totem now.

Must say though, I have never hardcasted this guy and I've been playing the deck since Exodus when I got my first Oath of Druids...
- May 10, 2009
-- black death member
imaggine this: you have a green black deck filled with power uups, then you pull off the urborg panther combo. your'e oponent is really nervouse because he has no flying creatures. then you attack and put on 3 giant growths and you sacrifice a llanowar augur. that i think is around a 20/20 creature wich is unblocked. you win.
- March 14, 2009
-- devin spire
I would use it against a black deck.
- September 22, 2008
-- Jeramy LaVoye
Chris Levy, you are a nice human with many good qualities, puting this in a pro black deck tourny and this card means per ownage!! This Halloween there is going to be some around here where im at and the decks much be 70% black, so that means I am going to have some fun with the 4 of these I have and already have my deck ready and waiting for the tourny.
- September 04, 2006
-- shivatrance
People seem to forget how this creature showed up in every major graveyard recurrsion deck ever including possibly the greatest combo deck of all-time: Recurring Survival. Use Survival of the Fittest to drop him into your graveyard and then pull him right into play with Recurring Nightmare. Obviously this works almost as effectively using a Survival - Living Death combo but there just was something beautiful about that Recurring Survival deck. . . makes me yearn for the good old days when Type II was Mirage/Tempest, the greatest era for Standard ever.
Nothing better than seeing the look on your opponents face when you drop this onto the table. I won a few tournaments with the Recurring-Survival combo and this guy was my favorite finisher. Verdent Force was fun too. ;-)
- May 05, 2005
this is an awesome creature, one combo i like to do is put out valrath the fallen, when i am about to attack with him, i tap two, discard Spirit of The Night, give valrath + 9+9, then use necromancy to pull out S.O.T.N., and attack with both!! The best creature!!!
- October 30, 2004
-- Ben
Wow, almost as good as Akroma. I want one for my reanimator and oath decks. Plus, the picture is wicked cool.
- October 15, 2004
-- nixmix
i have had this card for a long time now and find that with the use of FEAR and other enchatments it is unstopable
- March 18, 2004
-- Matthew
This Card is very hard to find. Out of the 100 magic players I have met I am the only one to have this Card. Also it is very effective with Urborg Panther, Feral Shadow and Breathstealer because you can sacrifice all of them to search for it in your library and put into play!
- January 23, 2004
-- Anonymous
Very kick ass, in combo with Volrath the Fallen a few of these can win you the game, the high cost can be good in some cases.
- August 17, 2002
-- Nick Laurent
This is a great great card. In my deck you can use burried alive or entomb and use victomize, exhume, stitch together, zombify, balthor the defiled, or a living death to play it quikly. People shouldn't give it a bad rating just cause of the mana cost, cause in some decks it won't matter and i could easily get it out 2nd turn or 4th if i don't have a dark ritual on hand.
- August 10, 2002
-- Dante
I give this a 5 for those who can use it well.If there wasnt a way to get out of paying the mana cost id havew to give it a 3 but there is and theres also a way of making it even better whit another card.
First use entomb or something like that to put it in the grave yard.
Next regenerate it so you wont have to pay the mana cost.
the play the card darkest hour that changes all creatures to black creatures so they cant hurt you and now you have a better stronger spirit of the night for almost no mana!
- July 21, 2002
-- Darkseed
I give it this review cause in my deck I can drop it into play with no problems. I would just use an insedious dream, drop it out of my hand to get Belthor the defiled on top of my deck, bring Belthor in play next turn, then use his ability, and bring back all my nasty little black creatures.
- April 22, 2002
-- jonathan quackenbush
If you sac the feral show and two different creatures to one of the creatures abilitys spirt o.t. night comes onto play free and dispite its mana cost this card is crazy!
- March 31, 2002
-- Alex
On first expection, you see the ultimate fattie...6/5 flying, trample, pro. from black, first strike, haste..... but then you see the cost of 9 and you think of it as an unreality to actually play. You'd have to be crazy to actually pay 9 or use that obscure Uborg Panther combo. Want to know how to do it? Play Living Death, or Entomb or somehow dump this sucker in the graveyard, then play Exhume, Living Death, Twilight's Call.... That's the purpose of this card, not to pay 9, but to revive it from the graveyard! Spirit of the Night lives! MWAHAHA!
- April 15, 2001
-- Matthew Davis
This is an excellent card, if you play a smart deck like mine, you can bring it out in a couple turns without paying the mana.
- March 22, 2009
-- Anonymous
You dont need to have the mana. There are 3 cards that if sacrificed, allow you to put spirit of the night into play. Urborg Panther, Breathstealer, and Feral Shadow. Each of these are 2 colorless 1 black to cast. Use Spirit of the night in a deck with Recurring nightmare and you really have a nice combo.
- June 18, 2008
-- Chris Levy is a dumbass
Chris Levy is ignorant of the graveyard recursion type of deck. Was he living under a rock when the Survival-Recurring deck was World Champion? It's not as great as Akroma but works just as fine with a Reanimator deck.
- April 30, 2008
-- Steve
It's a "poor man's" Akroma. Discard it or use Buried Alive, then bring it out with Exhume, Animate Dead, or Zombify. Also nice to run alongside an Akroma if you're really crazy and want both of them out at the same time.

In fact, that's why it was originally given Protection from Black; when the card came out that made it impossible to use things like Zombify on it. The current official ruling allows it, though.
- March 08, 2007
-- Anonymous
feral shadow, breathstealer and urborg panther will work all the same.
- February 19, 2002
-- Nate
This card would be impractical if not for its alternate cost. Take a look at Urborg Panther.
- October 04, 2001
-- mike wagner
If you can produce the mana for Spirit of the night you can hit your opponent with some strong damage. It cost alot to summon but the abilitys of spirirt of the night make it so worth it! It's four stars!

- October 02, 2008
-- Anonymous
the blueprint of the the great akroma..and all of those ridiculous creatures..A classic in it's own right but it just cost to much..for a 5 toughness and first strike only when attacking..that sukssss why did they do that??? i coulda done a better job making cards 15 years ago.
- May 25, 2002
-- Eric
First hand: 2 Swamps, 4 Dark Rituals, 1 Spirit of the Night = First turn Spirit of the Night.

Too bad this couldn't have been in tourney play. Needless 4 turns later I won.

Still this card is not that great unless you play epic long games or group play where games take longer.
- February 16, 2006
-- Anonymous
Just way too hard to use. You need a deck specialized just to play this, and to hard-cast it is ridiculous.
- November 17, 2005
-- BlackLotusUP
Costs way too much..... yeah theres the urborg panther and all but come on now the chances of pulling that combo off are about equal to having 9 mana......sure theres ways to pull it outta the graveyard but come on now i wouldn't put this in any of my decks and i've got lotuses...... T3h Suck
- November 04, 2001
-- chris levy
I really think this card is very bad you have something wrong with you if you gave this more than a two. It's too much mana and not that good royal assassin is good.

ps. mike wagner this is for you.
7.29 $7.29
Near Mint
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