Disenchant MTG 4th Edition Magic Cards Singles
0.15 $0.15
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Casting Cost
Card TypeInstant
Card TextDestroy target artifact or enchantment.
SetFourth Edition
ArtistAmy Weber
Flavor Text
DescriptionMTG 4th Edition Single Card
Release Date04/01/1995
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
Near-Mint English Pokemon Card
of 12
- June 18, 2009
-- Anonymous
Artifacts and enchantements are powerfull in control decks and in other decks too. A two nana instant spell that can make a opponent lose the control of the game is very good. Remember cards like winter orb, bottomless pit or stasis.
- January 03, 2008
-- Anonymous
Good bye Juggernaut.
- January 31, 2003
-- devilmaycare
the best. it's just necessary and crucial in a mono white deck that needs a couple or more turns to get going. how amusing it is to see those just starting out in magic trying to avoid playing with this 'unfun' card. amateurs put them in, then take them out, then put them in. pros play with four or its variant, 'seal of cleansing.'
- January 30, 2003
-- rick
Destroys any enchantment or artifact. Need I say more.
- May 18, 2010
-- Thomas Stone
I love the tempest version of the card. It looks like Hanna and the Sliver are about to dance.
- April 07, 2009
-- James Doto
It's great.
- July 05, 2008
-- Rogonandi
One of the oldest cards in the game, but some things never go out of style. For 2 mana, you can instantly destroy an artifact or an enchantment. It's not fancy, but it's just what the doctor ordered when you've got an opponent with something that needs to be destroyed. Also, it's timeshifted so it's still type 2 legal as of right now.
- March 09, 2005
-- Anonymous
i believe before the 'urza's saga' version of this card came out this 'ice age' version was a favorite of mine. both for its utility and its preeminent artwork out of the different versions available in the card pool. looking back at it now, years later, its not quite the piece it used to be but i still remember it quite fondly..................
- February 24, 2005
-- Anonymous
one of the cooler looking 'disenchant's, at least out of the many different versions floating around. would probably look cooler in a foil version, but don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. recommend.
- March 08, 2010
-- hyung kim
ordered 4 and 3 were nm as it said but the 4th one i got was more played and didnt feel it was nm as it said
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