Elvish Archers MTG 4th Edition Magic Cards Singles
0.39 $0.39
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- 6 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Elves
Card TextFirst strike
Creature TypeElf, Archer
SetFourth Edition
ArtistAnson Maddocks
Flavor TextI tell you, there was so many arrows flying about you couldn't hardly see the sun. So I says to young Angus, "Well, at least now we're fighting in the shade!"
DescriptionMTG 4th Edition Single Card
Release Date04/01/1995
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- June 19, 2008
-- Some Random Gangster
It's a 2/1 with first for 2 mana, and it's green, and it's an elf.

So all of you before me, you lose at reviewing.

Elves are flexible, green is a buffing color.

Elves became amazing with the onslaught block.

Now, there's a 2/1 first strike, for two mana, and it's an elf.

Fantastic card. Even without other other cards improving it, or a simple giant growth, still a fantastic card.
- May 08, 2008
-- Will B. Staples
A cheap green creature with first strike is a pretty nice deal, though it's nothing special. I suspect it's only a rare because first strike is so out-of-color for green that they didn't want people getting too many of them. Anyway, it's not a card to build a deck around, but it's not junk either.
- February 11, 2008
-- PJ
Not bad, but this should not be a rare card. And did anyone notice the flavor text on the 3rd and 4th Edition cards borrowed a quote, "Then we will fight in the shade." Lol.
- December 29, 2006
-- Anonymous
Not a bad card combined with wirewood prides and such with the first strike but costing 2 makes it loose a bit and I agree it is not of rare calibur but then again back in the earlier sets this was pretty good
- January 30, 2003
-- rick
Nice card for a weenie deck. The first strike is nice, and the cheap casting cost.
- June 29, 2005
-- Anonymous
this sould not be a rare.
0.39 $0.39
Near Mint
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