Fire Elemental MTG 4th Edition Magic Cards Singles
0.15 $0.15
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Elemental
Card Text
Creature TypeElemental
SetFourth Edition
ArtistMelissa A. Benson
Flavor TextFire Elementals are ruthless infernos, annihilating and consuming their foes in a frenzied holocaust. Crackling and blazing, they sear swift, terrible paths, leaving the land charred and scorched in their wake.
DescriptionMTG 4th Edition Single Card
Release Date04/01/1995
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- March 06, 2007
-- Magic Faerie
The artistry is stunning. $5.00 is alot of money for a card, but I think in this case, it's worth the investment. :)
- May 21, 2010
-- Sylvanhor
I agree 100%. Fantastic artwork !
- October 21, 2008
-- Anonymous
You have to own this just for the artwork. During game play, not that special since you'd get a Shivan Dragon for 1 extra mana. Better than her brother Earth Elemental. huge in draft though. I REVIEW ELEMENTALS
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