Sisters of the Flame MTG 4th Edition Magic Cards Singles
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Sisters
Card Text
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Creature TypeHuman, Shaman
SetFourth Edition
ArtistJesper Myrfors
Flavor TextWe are many wicks sharing a common tallow; we feed the skies with the ashes of our prey.
DescriptionMTG 4th Edition Single Card
Release Date04/01/1995
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
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- October 24, 2008
-- Anonymous
It's got some limited uses. Since red doesn't have many mana producing creatures, this is as good as you'll get for acceleration. In a burn deck this can either produce mana for your Fireballs or provide some damage as you take out the opponent's defenses with burn spells. Another tactic to use with red decks is use it with Manabarbs. Play a bunch of sistas and then drop a Manabarbs or two - you can use mana w/o damage and your opponent takes damage for tapping their lands.
0.25 $0.25
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