Fallen Angel MTG 7th Edition Singles
0.23 $0.23
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Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Angel
Card TextFlying Sacrifice a creature: Fallen Angel gets +2/+1 until end of turn.
Creature TypeAngel
SetSeventh Edition
ArtistArnie Swekel
Flavor Text"Why do you weep for the dead? I rejoice, for they have died for me." —Fallen angel, to Serra
DescriptionMTG 7th Edition Single Card
Release Date04/11/2001
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- January 21, 2006
-- Me
Most of the time you already hit your opponent so he has taken some damage already.
If your opponent doesn't block fallen angel, you play natural afinity, Now you can sac your lands for your fallen angel and make it very very big. I play it in my black/green deck, and it really works:D
- December 08, 2001
-- duelist
fallen angel is part of one of the best combos
-sengir autocrat
-grave pact
(sadistic glee)

this will force your opponent to sacrafice his/her creatures and make yours much stronger
- September 10, 2006
-- nick diamantis
not very good card.
- May 09, 2005
-- Father Miguel Hidalgo
Call the preists! It looks like an EXORCISM case.
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