Angel of Mercy MTG 8th Edition Singles
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- 8 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Angel
Card TextFlying When Angel of Mercy enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.
Creature TypeAngel
SetEighth Edition
ArtistMelissa A. Benson
Flavor TextA song of life soars over fields of blood.
DescriptionMTG 8th Edition Single Card
Release Date07/28/2003
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- July 28, 2004
-- Anonymous
This card is awesome. It doesnt cost to much mana and you get some life when you play it. I was playing with it once and this dude was beatin me bad-me:3 life him:16 life. the i draw one of these and play it. BAM!!!! + 3 life. and i just kept doin that and eventually killed him.
- August 03, 2007
-- jim
an underrated card at the eighth edition hopefully it will do well in this edition
- September 19, 2005
-- Anonymous
A good card for those white decks. Even helps hold those life numbers up whenever they drop fast (as they sometimes do with white decks).
- June 22, 2005
-- Anonymous
Play Angel of Mercy, unsummon it, play it again, boomerang it, play it again. You have gained nine life and still have a 3/3 flyer for you.
- February 17, 2004
-- Anonymous
This card is awesome. You get life just for playing it, which is good under any circumstances.
- January 04, 2009
-- Tako
It's not bad, although not great, if you mix it with blue you could "mark of eviction" it every turn, I love mark of eviction, its like boomerang just ten times better. Although its definatley not worth the casting cost, you could put out a battlegrace angel for that much which is 4/4, has exalted, and whenever something of yours uses that exalted ability it also gets lifelink! So not bad, but not great either.
- March 11, 2007
-- rogonandi
It's alright, and it's more or less worth it for its casting cost. You get a 3/3 flyer as well as a life boost, which makes the summoner smile and nod, but not too much else.
- April 23, 2004
-- Anonymous
it was okay
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