Thorn Elemental

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Rarity | Rare |
Color | Green |
Casting Cost | |
Card Type | Creature - Elemental |
Card Text | You may have Thorn Elemental assign its combat damage as though it weren't blocked. |
Creature Type | Elemental |
Set | Eighth Edition |
Artist | rk post |
Flavor Text | Rain from this storm leaves you pinned to the ground like an insect. |
Description | MTG 8th Edition Single Card |
Release Date | 07/28/2003 |
Dimensions | 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D |
Ship Weight | 0.004 pounds |
- June 16, 2008
-- Greg Johnston
-- Greg Johnston
Great card :D
This is @Casey Farthing...decks arent super fast so that you can make your opponent "feel like dirt" and stuff...they're so you can *win.* I know you said you don't play to win (yes you did), but fast decks aren't necessarily...un-enjoyable...they're *good.*
This is @Casey Farthing...decks arent super fast so that you can make your opponent "feel like dirt" and stuff...they're so you can *win.* I know you said you don't play to win (yes you did), but fast decks aren't necessarily...un-enjoyable...they're *good.*
- June 10, 2008
-- lars fargo
-- lars fargo
this card is an awsome addition to my collection. its a relitivly high mana cost but a 7/7 that is basicly unblocable is without a doubt worth it.
- February 26, 2008
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
First of all, green is used to get alot of mana fast. elves, etc. however, i have 4 of these in my deck, and 4 defense of the heart. playing a fast goblin deck or elf deck, how about 3 thornies on turn 4, and 6 on turn 5? Also, if you have concordant crossroads out, they die in 1 turn. done.
- January 29, 2006
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
the person who gave this card is being cheap with enuogh mana it is a very small price
- January 05, 2005
-- boris chiu
-- boris chiu
Big bam~~~~~~
- December 29, 2004
-- boris chiu
-- boris chiu
elementals are strong.
- April 18, 2004
-- Mark Griesmon
-- Mark Griesmon
THIS CARD IS THE BEST!!!! I use this card in my main deck and I whoop a$$ every time i play it. This card is definately the basis of my deck.
- April 16, 2004
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Thorn Elemental is by far one of the best green cards there is, when equppied with the best cards. Especially when you place down Dense Foliage and if you have cards that can generate alot of mana, then you can call out Thorn Elemental in at least three to four turns . . . if you draw him that is. Plus, Thorn Elemental looks freaking awsome! When you can take a creature from 7/7 to 28/28 then you hold the game in the palm of your hand. Also, when you lay out cards such as Ferocity then when one of your Enchanted Creatures block you can add 1/1 to the already powerful card. Ever little bit counts.
- February 12, 2004
-- Jay
-- Jay
This is a most excellent card, couple it with a few giant growths only at the cost of one green mana and he's unstoppable!
- December 28, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
good card i use it alot must remember even if it is put in your graveyard by some card that says it cant be regerated...u can play a great card called repopulate so dont fret if it dies theres still ways to get it back
- April 09, 2003
-- Ben
-- Ben
this is the best card I have in my deck and it really helps me stomp on my oppenents.( use this card with a forest deck only!!!)
- April 05, 2003
-- rps
-- rps
Great card. Better art than the last one I think. I like to put Lure -all creatures able to block enchanted creature do so- with this. hehe. One of the best cards I've seen so far.
- March 20, 2003
-- Billy Bob
-- Billy Bob
It's a great card. It's one of my best cards in my deck. My friend always gets mad at me because I kill him fast with it. Thats how good it is.
- January 17, 2003
-- Matt
-- Matt
this card is great. 7 damage instantly(well, almost) but reviewers that say reviewer #3 thinks he knows everything about MTG are all right. if he has no cards that equal a 7 converted mana cost, then i don't see why he thinks hes so good. also, it goes in a great combo with elvish piper(doesn't anything?) and fires of yaviamya.
- January 04, 2003
-- Metyl_Gunnm
-- Metyl_Gunnm
Ha, your opponent can't sword's it or terror it if you have out a Dense Foliage. Then you have a 7/7 who can deal damage even when blocked and its now a lot harder for your opponent to be rid of it. Combine with an Elvish Piper or Thicket Elemental and watch the tears fall! Bifurcate for extra joy.
- December 14, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
this is a great card!!
- December 13, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
this card is great. you guys talk about terrors, yeah it will kill it, but usually you can at least get one move in, which means you are more then a third of the way to winning the game. i play with two of these in my deck, and sometimes i get my might of oaks on it, and it becomes a 14/14. the mana may be hgh, but it is way worth it.
- August 26, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
It is a great card. I have 4 of it in my deck. I like it because if you can pull it off you can enchant it with cards that like give it +2/+2 etc. I on many occasions have gotten out a thorn elemental and powered it up with a serras embrace, 2 spirit link and 1 armadillo cloak. I had 2 glorious anthems out and a silver serraph and i had threshold so my thorn elemental was a 15/15 flying dosent have to tap to attack and each time it delt damage id gain 45 life.
- August 08, 2002
-- Jon
-- Jon
In a green deck you should have more ways than basic land to play a card. There are so many options, elves and priests of titania, rofellos, gaea's cradle, the list goes on. You can make an agument against any creature based on the existance of terror, dark banishing, vindicate, swords; there are so many ways to get rid of something. Just because you can kill it doesn't mean that it is a bad card.
- July 09, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
this card is very good with sneak attacks
i have 2 in my deck with 3 sneak attacks and 2 penumbra wurms
i have 2 in my deck with 3 sneak attacks and 2 penumbra wurms
- May 23, 2002
-- Brandon Frisk
-- Brandon Frisk
Reviewer #3 thinks he nows everything about Magic but what he needs to learn is someone can terror or swords just about any card and that if you use a deck withe elves in it you will be able to lay it out in five turns with fyndhorn elder or something similar.
- May 12, 2002
-- Brandon Frisk
-- Brandon Frisk
The guy before me thinks he knows everything about magic, but he's got to learn that your opponents could terror or swords any one of your cards. There is not many cards that stay safe. He also must learn that in a green deck you can lay Thorn Elemental out in four turns if you have elves like Llanowar Elves or Fyndhorn Elder
- April 10, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
great card i rarly get beat and i have two of these (not good in all decks, has to go with the theme of your deck)
- March 07, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
one of the best cards i have in my deck~~~~~
- February 08, 2002
-- CJ
-- CJ
this is a great card. i play it in an elf deck that produces massive mana quickly. i can have it out on the 3rd turn with any combination of elves. then i play a nantuko mentor from odyssey and double its power/toughness when i attack. that is after i might of oaks it. so it is 28 damage on the fourth turn directly to them. i have 4 in my deck and i suggest 4 for yours.
- January 01, 2002
-- Jambolito
-- Jambolito
This card is a great card, it is very powerful and strong. It adds a very large creature to my small quick deck, very nice.
- November 23, 2001
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
An exelent addition to any big creature green decks. First of all, its hard to kill. Second, even if blocked it can still hurt the player (like trample,but better). And thirdly, if not immobalized can end the game in 3 turns (considderring your opponent has normal 20 life).
- October 23, 2001
-- Austin, Benjamin, Sauger
-- Austin, Benjamin, Sauger
i say this is one of the best green cards ever made. smack a
- May 17, 2001
-- Lordy Laco
-- Lordy Laco
a great card: i have 2 in my deck. they're pretty cheap (7 mana for a 7/7) and the ablity makes it extra good--no need to worry about blockers (they can kill it, but don't prevent damage). good card.
- April 05, 2010
-- Marius Diomonde
-- Marius Diomonde
I remember the good old days when 7th Edition was new this was THE super card to have. Nowadays it's lost some of its punch since they seem to make about 50 super cards each expansion, but nontheless it's still a fairly good card.
- September 20, 2009
-- Tory
-- Tory
This card is a great one and if you really want to make your opponent hate you try giving it doublestrike!
- January 13, 2007
-- areyouonethreethreeseven?
-- areyouonethreethreeseven?
meh...i prefer rhox. even with the expensive ability cost.
- March 02, 2005
-- Matt Clow
-- Matt Clow
I USED TO DIE FROM THIS CARD FROM MY MATE SLOANE UNTILL I JUST GOT MY SNAKES! poison ability does have the advantage over this card
- January 26, 2005
-- Casey Farthing
-- Casey Farthing
First off, Id just like to say that this is one of the ebst cards magic ever printed, its not THE BEST, but it ranks right up there. I also just wanted to say...SHUT *** **** UP! I mean Magic is about playing to have FUN. ITS JUST A CARD GAME FOR PETES SAKE! I dont play to totally destroy my opponents, I play to enjoy the game! So what if you dont kill your opponent by turn 4 or 5, wheres the fun in a game being over that fast??? You make your opponent feel like dirt and in the long run its no fun for you. I feel if the game doesent last 30 minutes, it wasnt a good game. So I know some magic freaks out there are going to cuss me and yell at me for having said that, but its how I feel. And if you really wanna take me on, read where I live and COME AND GET ME.
- April 15, 2004
-- Mind Bender
-- Mind Bender
Most people might give this card three stars only because they have probably seen much better. But this card was the first real good card I got when I first started playing Magic, so this is actually my favorite card of all time and because I am still kind of new to the game compared to other players this card has saved my neck many times.
- January 30, 2008
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Best? Not even close. Good? Yea, it's alright. 7 for a 7/7 is nice with a good ability. I'll give it a 3 based on the old days when I used to use it. There are only a handfull of cards that can't be countered. Even counters can be countered.
- March 17, 2002
-- Sir Megallot
-- Sir Megallot
this card is by no means bad, but i must set the two people before me straight. by no means is this a five star card either. 7 for a 7/7 isnt bad, but how many people want to even pay 7 for anything? after paying 7 for this puppy, the worst thing is to watch you opponent simply tap two lands and terror it, or a plains, and swords it. it really is very easy to deal with. most of the time, if you're playing anyone decent by the time you would get this out, the game should be over. However, this card combos with reanimator decks, and i use two in my enchantress green-draw deck. the key is not paying for it- i use pattern of rebirth.
- March 20, 2005
-- Big J
-- Big J
both of the poeple before me are retarded. Ill just counterspell it.. or how about after you spend all that mana mana leak
- November 30, 2004
-- xgreenduckiesx
-- xgreenduckiesx
IF YOU HAVE FIRE ELEMENTALE AND LIKE 22 mana then you can equippe it with enrage and that flying eqquippent then you can destroy that opponent!!
IF YOU HAVE FIRE ELEMENTALE AND LIKE 22 mana then you can equippe it with enrage and that flying eqquippent then you can destroy that opponent!!
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