Vizzerdrix MTG 8th Edition Singles
0.25 $0.25
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- 6 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Beast
Card Text
Creature TypeRabbit, Beast
SetEighth Edition
ArtistDave Dorman
Flavor TextA bored wizard once created a vizzerdrix out of a bunny and a piranha. He never made *that* mistake again.
DescriptionMTG 8th Edition Single Card
Release Date07/28/2003
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- July 27, 2008
-- Ida Corr
I don't understand why wizards did not reprint this card in 10th? This is my favorite card, i remember when i was in this big tournament i got attacked by a akroma angel of wrath and was down to 1 life. i top decked a vizzerdrix and played it, then i played trickery charm on it to change it to goblin with my warchief in play it gets haste, then i played white ward on my vizzerdrix to give it police white and attacked for 6 and my opponent lost.
- January 20, 2008
-- Ida
oh man this card is so!! freaking awesome!!! when this card was legal in standard i main decked 4 of these babies. This card totaly dominates all other cards, i don't see any other cards that are even a comparison to this. Maybe trained orgg but other than that this is by far the best card to use in any format, expecially type 1.
- July 27, 2008
-- Will B. Staples
This isn't an amazing card because it's not aggressively costed and is easily chump blocked. That said, the sheer fun value of whipping out a ravenous pink bunny monster in a casual game is not to be underestimated.
- May 13, 2002
-- gangrel6
This card would have better potential if it was flying. You are better off putting Sibilant Spirit or Mahamoti Djinn in your blue decks, these are by far more superior cards!
- October 09, 2009
-- zombie242003
why is it rare? thats all i want to know...there are stronger wurms that are common that cost the same if not less i have several of these from the start set
- January 31, 2008
-- Naga
This isn't very good. It dies to Terror.
0.25 $0.25
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