Verdant Force MTG 9th Edition Singles
0.55 $0.55
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- 31 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Rare
Color Green
Casting Cost
Card Type Creature - Elemental
Card Text At the beginning of each upkeep, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.
Creature Type Elemental
Set Ninth Edition
Artist DiTerlizzi
Flavor Text Burl, scurf, and bower/ Birth fern and flower.
Description MTG 9th Edition Single Card
Release Date 07/29/2005
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- August 01, 2010
play a Followed Footsteps on a Verdant Force. every turn you'll get a token copy of Verdant force that ALSO makes saprolings on each players turn..the saprolings will grow so fast especially with a doubling season,hehehehe
- July 13, 2010
-- Anonymous
I use this card in my Green/Red deck. It's mana heavy so getting out the 8 mana for him isn't much of a problem. You seriously can't beat a 1/1 creature out on the field on the start of EVERY player's upkeep. Works amazingly well in mulitplayer games when you need to build lots of blockers. Also great for cards that give you +/+ for every creature you control. Love this card.
- November 01, 2009
-- Jens N
Why in the world would you guys even THINK about reainmating him or playing him with regular mana?! 1 card is all it takes: Natural Order! Sacrifice a Llanowar Elves on your 3rd turn to summon this big beather (or any green creature (Progenitus, anyone?)) from your library :D
- October 01, 2009
-- Anonymous
Verdant Force is a great card, but one of those cards that you only need one of in the deck. This card is best used with Sacrfice required abilities. First you would want to get him in the graveyard, then use Recurring Nightmare, Reanimate or any other card to put it in play for next to no mana cost. If you are using Recurring Nightmare you can sacrfice the sporeling tokens as per the cost and keep bringing back those dead creatures.
- February 07, 2008
-- johnathon
put this in a deck with (life and limb, doubling season, and some verdant embraces, and oh ya dont forget the essence wardens)and you'll be in control in no time
- February 27, 2007
-- Anonymous
Awesome card for a reanimation deck, and cheap since you don't have to run more than one. I use it with Dread Return, so I can use the saprolings it generates to bring another fatty back!
- January 07, 2006
-- Anonymous
love it
- September 20, 2005
-- Senor Soup
This is an amazing card, especially if, like myself, you play a Thallid deck. You can be adding two saprolings per turn essentially and can use those things to make your Thallid devourers absolutely unbeatable. In no time you can have an army of 20-30 1/1 creatures, making you virtually impossible to attack, except by Trample creatures.
- January 31, 2005
-- Märk
Best Fattie ever, extremely"easy" to put into play and NOT A LEGEND. Third turn Natural Order on an elf he's in play from your library! My favorite is Defense of the Heart for him and Minion of Leshrac but I always play with elvish pipers as well. Good with Soul Warden, Biorhythm, you don't realize how fast those critters add up especially with 2 or more in play. Even him with just 2 soul wardens is crazy.
- September 16, 2004
-- Dave M
- April 08, 2004
-- Anonymous
The best token regenerator and the best green creature ever.
- January 07, 2004
-- Anonymous
its called the best fatty of whole magic.
why is it that good?
well, first, it has a fat 7/7 body that is good in keeping it alive.
next, the biggest danger to big critters is black remove. and very popular black removal is stuff that reads something like
- February 05, 2003
-- Novion Solarius
Who says the saprolings arent deadly...
Most fun I've ever had. Verdant force, Nemata, Coat of Arms (As mean as you can get. One game I dealt over 2000 damage from fooling around with the saprolings... nearly decked myself too...)
To get them out: Elvish Piper, Natural order, Pattern of Rebirth, Defense of the Heart, or Vernal Bloom
Using it with Aura Shards is just plain mean against artifact or enchantment decks.
Using it in multi-player gets you tons of saprolings per round, though most people also tend to try to kill you then...
Opposition, thats a mean one... lol...
Forget the fact he doesnt have trample. The crazy little ones he produces are more than enough. He's also already a 7/7.
Unfortunately, making it cost less would probably get it banned. More than good enough though.
I think it's one of the best and most fun cards ever made!
- December 14, 2002
-- Dillz
reviewer #3 should be shot. He dosnt even understand the power of this card. My first glance i ready this card i was shocked, and i thought u only got a 1/1 at the beggining of your upkeep. I later read it again and realized that it is unbeliviable. In a 4 for all game you can make 4 1/1 creatures a cycle. Cycle meaning the complete phase around the board. And common reviewer #3, there are plenty of way to get around mana cost. Mana flar, Dark ritual.
- November 26, 2002
-- Joshua Newman
verdant force is really cool and goes really well with coat of arms. This card is too good to be for sale. It should be banned
- August 24, 2002
-- Jimmy Nolt
This card is great! It may cost a lot, but once you get this thing out, you'll have an army of saprolings just waiting for your opponent! This card ROCKS!
- July 18, 2002
-- Derek Ames
I think that this card is a staple for any green deck or combo deck or anything else you would like to put him in. The mana cost is no problem because there are so many ways to put him on the board without paying it. He is a 7/7 for one thing, and he also gives you a creature on every player's turn! Try using four of them and a Coat of Arms!
- June 22, 2002
-- the expert
Any one not giving him 5 stars is not an expert. The mana cost may be alot but, his army with overruns will kill any one fast.
- June 22, 2002
-- jay
Verdant Force is a great card. Any one who plays green must play at least one of him. Just make sure you have ways of keep in him alive, our opponents will try to kill him.
- June 19, 2002
-- nathan
this card is awesome put it with a phyrexian plaguelord and you have a combo for destructiom
- June 03, 2002
-- Avem Satre Meloy
This card is awesome, works great with pattern of rebirth.
- April 11, 2002
-- Matt
This card is very good in a mono green deck, but where it REALLY shines is in combo decks such as survival/nightmare that put things into play without the mana cost, in that particular deck, it even generates more than enough to sac each turn to the nightmare! And anyone who owns Natural Order should have those and Verdant Force together. Great card
- March 31, 2002
-- Alex
In my opinion, this card is best used in an all-black deck......................

Let me explain. It costs 8. With all the fast paced decks out there, (like this black deck), you'd be long dead before you get out 8 mana. Here's what you do. You play Entomb, search for this guy and dump him, on your first turn. Then later you can Exhume him, Living Death him, Twilights Call him, Reanimate him, Life/Death him. Whatever you'd like to put him into play with without paying 8 mana! Then you can begin building your army!! HAHA!
- January 11, 2002
-- Anonymous
this card is by far one of the best cards (I think) in the tempest edition, this goes great with any green deck
- January 05, 2002
-- Lynx
First of All, Sure beats scaled wurm and about a dozen other green creatures of that magnitude not to mention he works brilliantly with gaeas cradle overrun and vitalizing wind.
- October 30, 2001
-- James
Best Fatty Ever

Great with reanimation or Oath of Druids, this one is just unbelivable.
- June 04, 2001
-- Hani Ebeid
This is my favorite card ever. It may cost alot of mana, but it is worth it and if you have a green deck than you should have the mana anyway.
- April 19, 2001
-- eric peavey
This card rocks, expecially when you use opposition or kyren negotiations with it
- September 09, 2003
-- Anonymous
True it isn't th best card and costs a lot to get out but consider this, quicksilver amulet, elvish piper, not to mention the little card stronghold put out caled over growth, don't see where the casting cost should be a problem. A very fun card when ran with beast of burden, and duel nature.
- October 28, 2001
-- Infamous_2-0
Cool card but costs a little too much. Works well with Angelic Chorus or Aura Shards.
- June 15, 2001
-- Mastermind
I really don't know why so many people think this is great card. First of all he takes 8 mana to get out, 3 of which is green. Although all green decks should have elves and birds, this is still difficult to get out. Another point is that he isn't even trample. Players should know more about the game before they give a card a five star rating just because its a
0.55 $0.55
Near Mint
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